TTEC 2024 Impact & Sustainability Report




Governance Environmental



TTEC 2024 Impact and Sustainability Report


Employee health and safety

developing emergency, enhancing our ability to respond and support our people.

In 2024, P3 rolled out to LATAM, Canada, and EMEA countries, where all on-site employees are required to complete training. In addition, U.S. leaders at brick- and-mortar locations are required to complete annual in-person, hands-on training. In Poland, all new hires are required to complete health and safety training on their first day of employment. Management and oversight TTEC’s Health and Safety committee reviews incident reports to identify hazards, propose corrective measures, and provide guidance to help make safety part of the company culture. The committee is comprised of global leadership across legal, operations, people and culture, facilities, and sourcing. The committee is led by our dedicated global health and safety senior adviser who was hired in 2024 to manage our global program. Beginning in May 2024, the monthly site walk-through audit document was updated to include a Health and Safety section. Inspection covers evacuation plans posted and clearly visible; emergency exits free from obstruction; emergency communication phone is working; fire extinguishers; cable management; floors are free from spills; ergonomics with desks, keyboards, chairs. In July 2024, TTEC implemented a new process that facilitates notification of incidents in real time. We assess what could have been done to prevent the incident with a goal of being more proactive than reactive. This new process augments our existing We Hear You (WHY) employee hotline where employees can report safety concerns, anonymously, if they wish. TTEC is OSHA compliant and maintains injury and illness records and submits electronically to OSHA when required.

• Injury prevention campaign focuses on top reported injuries and provides on-site posters, video demonstrations, and other communications to promote safe behaviors. • General standards of care led us to install sanitizing stations, first aid kits, and AED machines at nearly all brick- and-mortar locations globally. • On-site health clinics: To promote wellness, TTC provides employees free, on-site health clinics at most Philippines and Mexico locations. • Safety support: TTEC has designated safety officers and first aid officers, trained in CPR, AED, and first aid, in the Philippines. We also have first aid officers in the U.K. and Mexico. Mexico has fire prevention, evacuation, and search and rescue bridges. • Safe gear: TTEC instituted a process by which employees can request special equipment or tools to perform their duties in a safe manner. Training, the best defense Launched in 2023 for U.S. employees, our P3 (Predict, Prevent, Protect) mandatory online training expanded to foster a culture of preparedness for troubling situations, such as workplace violence and natural disasters. Through digital simulations, employees learn how to assess risk in a given situation and how to respond in the safest manner possible, whether that means de-escalation or flight.

Proactive policies for our most treasured assets It’s our people who make it possible for TTEC to deliver humanity in everything we do. As such, TTEC takes a proactive approach to safeguarding our employees, our contractors, and guests with Health and Safety policies that are updated on an ongoing basis to ensure the full scope of potential risks and hazards are addressed. Our current policy, revised in October 2024, establishes the framework for how TTEC and its global group of companies manage workplace and work-from-home (WFH) safety for its employees. TTEC employs an active accident and illness prevention program to eliminate workplace hazards and accidents. The policy covers general safety rules and guidelines, preventative actions, emergency management, reporting concerns, and workplace injuries and illnesses.

Pillars of protection Health and safety was bolstered at TTEC on many fronts in 2024: • Emergency response plan , a new initiative that ensures every level of leadership knows how to respond to threats of violence and other disaster scenarios. • People accounting standard operating procedure , a process implemented in the U.S. incorporates two- way short messaging services (SMS) and interactive voice response (IVR) to ensure every employee is safe and accounted for and can access resources such as temporary lodging, food, and other support. Rollout to Philippines is next, followed by other geos. • Real-time emergency alerts: In October 2024, TTEC launched a new email distribution group (safety@ttec. com) through which employees notify leaders 24/7 of a

When we prioritize health and safety, we empower our teams to do their best work, knowing they are supported in every possible way.” —Michelle Ebert, Health & Safety Senior Adviser

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