Recalling History to Unite and Inspire People
Approaching such a milestone as a 40th anniversary caused a great deal of reflection for me personally and for the staff at Alexandra House. One could say that we are looking back in order to plan forward. When Tina Bronson, our Communications Marketing Director, told me that for the 40th she wanted to write a book documenting Alexandra House’s history and its parallels to the national and statewide women’s
of domestic, sexual, and dating violence. This evolution did not happen in a vacuum. It took a community, coming together to affect these changes; to work very deliberately to create a better world. The collecting, outlining, and retelling of Alexandra House’s history has included interviewing nearly 40 people, revisiting old photos, combing through archived newspaper articles, paging through annual reports, and reading meeting minutes from the late 1970s. I want to thank Tina Bronson for helping Alexandra House rediscover its story, for picking up the threads, and reminding each of us where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. Knowing our history can help us see events, and ourselves, as part of a still unfolding story. I believe it is important for our stakeholders to understand our history and how our values were shaped over time. Although the context today is radically different from what it was 20, 40, or 80 years ago, we can still draw lessons from understanding how previous generations confronted challenges and opportunities and responded to them. We invite you to join Alexandra House and our community partners in the journey to end domestic and sexual violence!
and domestic and sexual violence movements, I thought this project would require considerable time and questioned whether we had the capacity to successfully carry it out. However, watching the project unfold has been an amazing and worthwhile experience. This project has given Alexandra House the opportunity to reconnect with countless individuals who have been involved with us, in big ways and small, over the last 40 years. It has allowed us to rediscover forgotten pieces of our history and has reminded us of the perseverance, passion, and dedication of those who came before. The preserving and sharing of Alexandra House’s story is paramount to creating an appreciation for those who founded Alexandra House and those who carried its work forward. It also allows us to better understand how the decisionsmade by our founders have invariably shaped the way the leadership thinks about its mission, vision, and philosophy, and, has provided a road map for our future. Looking back allows us to see how Alexandra House and the community has evolved in the way they respond to victim/survivors
Connie Moore Executive Director, Alexandra House
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