meaning is believed to indicate a color — this would not be surprising be cause the topaz is a very unique color. Some say that it has a modern term or name of “the evening candle.” If this name be true we must turn to the Apostle Paul for a word of Scripture when he urged the Corinthian Chris tians to avoid grumbling so that it could be said that the children of God, GOD'S FULL FLOCK "Someone is absent", the Shepherd said, As over my classbook He bent His head: "For several Sundays absent, too, So tell me, teacher, what did you do?" " I didn't call, as perhaps l should, I wrote some cards, but they did no good, I've never heard, and he never came, So I decided to drop his name." He answered gravely, " A flock was mine, A hundred — no, there were ninety and nine, For one was lost in the dark and cold; So l sought that sheep which had left the fold. "The path was stony and edged with thorns; M y feet were bruised and wounded and torn, But I kept on seeking, nor counted the cost; And oh, the joy when l found the lost?" Thus spoke the Shepherd, in tender tone, I looked, and lo, I was all alonei But God a vision had sent to me, To show His will toward the absentee. — «Author Unknown in a crooked and perverse generation, were to shine like stars in a dark world. Jesus came as a star into the dark world. It was said of old that a star would come out of Jacob accord ing to Numbers 24:17. In Malachi 4:2 He gives us these words through Malachi: “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of 14
Issachar (continued) Do not fear the island experiences of life — but fear lest, through lack of faith, you may miss the blessings that are harbored in those experiences. Then another matter of interest, ac cording to the World Encyclopaedia, is the fact that the ruler of Egypt had a monopoly of the precious stones ob tained from this island in the Dead Sea, the island on which the topaz is found. Men have tried to do the same with the Precious Stone which is- the Lord Jesus Christ. Various sects or “isms” have attempted to isolate Him to their cult, but Jesus Christ dealt a death blow to all such ideas for He made it abundantly clear that God was no longer to be tied down to any one people for He sent John 3:16 as the liberating key. God’s invitation has the universe in it. Matthew 11:28 tells us to “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” “. . . him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” is the word of John 6:37. You see, the Christ who gave His life at Calvary had a heart that took in the whole world. The ruler of Egypt had the mono poly of the topaz for long duration, but our Lord breaks over the mountains of nationality; over the bounds of lan guage, and over the bounds of religious groups He is for all men. Dr. Slemming writes that the topaz, when rubbed, will exhibit or discharge electricity. Many scientists have made similar statements. Now let’s look at the average Christian or, for that mat ter, the average unbeliever—■are we attractive when we become irritated? Our nerves often become frayed and only the love of Christ is sufficient for such trials of life. In Romans 5:3 we read what Paul said about this state: “. . . but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh pa tience:” It is tragic that when you and I are sometimes rubbed the wrong way, we do not exhibit that kind of spirit. Dr. Pink writes that the Hebrew name for this gem, the topaz, is pite- dah, a word, the meaning of which is absolutely unknown. However, the
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