TH IS SEEMS TO BE A DAY when all sorts of new translations and ver sions of the Bible are being pub lished. Personally, none can compare with the majesty and beauty of the King James. However, it is of es pecial interest to note how some of the native converts, in various parts of the world, interpret the Scrip tures. . We turn now to an incident — the return of a missionary from the West Indies — which brings to us the translation of Lamentations 3:23, “The Lord's mercies are new every morning; great is thy faith fulness.” Some of the people of the West Indies, who had found the Lord as their Saviour, were struggling to interpret this verse when they came upon the statement, “Our God is greater than a palm tree.” This seemed strange to the missionary until he discovered that the palm tree provides more than 350 articles necessary to the living of the is land people . . . it is the most de pendable thing for their daily exis tence. Yet, God is greater than the palm tree — great in His faithful ness! * * * "Some people foolishly sow their wild oats all week, and then go to church on Sunday to pray for a crop failure!" * * * EACH N IGH T the powerful Radio Sta tion KGO reaches out to homes on the western coast from Canada to Mexico. In our mail from that area we brought this letter for your read ing. “We listen every evening. Our two boys turn the radio up loud so they can go to sleep listening to your program . . . Sometimes it hurts our eardrums for the radio is in the kitchen, and the boys are in the bedroom on the other side of the house. Yet how thankful we are for such a program that we all might listen and learn to love the Lord better. We want ours to be a truly Christian home.” 15
Righteousness arise with healing in his wings . . It was the thought of His life and ministry which He sought to describe when He said “I am the Light of the world.” It is claimed that the topaz has a color which is unmatched by any other known gem. This was certainly true of the Lord Jesus Christ who is unique in glory. It is impossible to classify Him with any particular group of FAULT-FINDING Pray don't find fault with the man who limps Or stumbles along the road, Unless you have worn the shoes he wears Or struggled beneath his load. There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt, Though hidden away from view, Or the burden he bears, placed on your back, Might cause you to stumble, too! Don't sneer at the man who is down today, Unless you have felt the blow That caused his fall, or felt the shame That only the fallen know. You may be strong, but still the blows That were his, if dealt to you In the self same way, at the self same time, Might cause you to stagger, too! Don't be too harsh with the man who sins, Or pelt him with words or stones, Unless you are sure, yea, doubly sure, That you have not sins of your own. For you know, perhaps, if the temp ter's voice Should whisper as soft to you As it did to him when he went astray "Twould cause you to falter, too! — Anonymous great men — He stands by Himself. Christ did something for you and me that no living man could have done. This wonderful stone is a picture of this One who is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. Yes, this stone represents Issachar and the tribe of Issachar—but it also represents Jesus Christ the lofty, the glorious One whom you and I love so much!
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