and will have been living and reigning with the Lord Jesus Christ for a thou sand years. Christians have been judged at the Cross by accepting Christ’s atone ment made there and they are defi nitely not included in the Judgment of the Great White Throne. All unredeemed men and women are cast into the lake of fire and brimstone — this is the second death! Q. Grants Pass, Oregon — “/ would like help on Deuteronomy 22:10 which states, ‘Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together ’ — what is the reason for this?” A. The plowing of an ox and an ass together is prohibited for the very logi cal reason that these two animals have a different gait — they walk different ly. An ox is used to plowing and an ass is used to bearing burdens and so that causes an uneven pull. If you put these two animals in a yoke together, you are going to do real harm to each of them. Q . Boise, Idaho — “I f we confess our sins directly to God, how do we know that He has forgiven us?” A. That is an interesting question for many folk seem to think that there must be some emotional feeling to come to us. Now we know that if we genuinely confess our sins to Almighty God in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that He has forgiven us because His Word tells us so and that is all that is nec essary. You will know in your heart whether you are sorry or not for having done this sin. The Apostle John has a word for us in I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all un righteousness.” Let’s depend upon that promise, and depend upon Him because He is faithful and true! Q . Pueblo, Colorado — “W hy did the power to forgive sins stop?” A. That is an interesting question, also. The power of God to forgive sins has
PROMISED STRENGTH One day when my burden seemed greater Than my body and spirit could bear. Weighted down by the load, I fal tered Beneath my worry and care; And I cried to the heedless silence As I walked where I could not see; "Where is the strength that is prom ised? Where is the strength for me?" And suddenly out of the stillness, A voice came clear and true; "M y child, you are striving to carry A burden not meant for you. And the thought of the years out stretching Before you has darkened the way, While the only strength I have prom ised Is the sure strength day by day." I took one step — and I found it Quite easy, indeed to take And the burden slid from my shoul ders; And my heart that was ready to break Gave thanks that my eyes were op ened And my shoulders eased of their load, A s I saw, step by step, I was strength ened To walk on the roughest road. — Grace Noll Crowell * * * "Christ will not live in the parlor of our hearts if we entertain the Devil in the cellar of our thoughts." * * • "The best way to know the will of God is to say 'I will' to God." * * * "Quite frequently some people dis cover that their real stumbling block, is right under their own hat!" never stopped, else all ministers and laymen would be telling the story of salvation in vain. It was never man’s prerogative to forgive sins and nowhere in the Bible is such a power shown to belong to man. Only God can and has forgiven sins and, in fact, God is still in that business today! 21
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