IN FO RM AT IO N ON THE RELEASE OF MATER IALS Many friends have asked about the dating of material which appears in our month ly publication. Since we are not able to print the BROADCASTER until our pro grams for the month are com pleted, the monthly edition is usually completed at the end of the month. Therefore the current month contains features from the past month's broadcasts. Indica tion is always given on the cover of the individual pub lication. If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biola 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in formation concerning your new address. s If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ. MOVING COSTS EVERYONE
Dr. Louis T. Talbot and Dr. Samuel H Sutherland,
faculty of Talbot Theological Seminary.
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