Biola Broadcaster - 1962-07

whenever he sought to drink or eat.” Hence King Tantalus became the symbol of complete and utter frus­ tration and misery in not being able to obtain those things which he so greatly desired. Our speech still bears memory of his name in our word “tantalize,” which serves well to describe the actions of Satan as he dangles the desires and lusts that are eluded by some but grasped by other Christians. This brings the verse to us that we “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the deviV’ — Ephesians 6:11. TRAGEDIES SEEM TO COME IN N U M ­ BERS — fortunately, here is one which was averted. In Pennsylvania, a train was laboring up a winding track which negotiated a steep hill to its summit, when trouble devel­ oped. A passenger car was shunted to a siding and the brakes were thought to have been set. For some reason the brakes gave way and the car rushed dangerously down the curving incline. There was panic, for it seemed that the car with its passengers would certainly be demolished. A wire was rushed to the next station and an engine, ready for instant service, headed fu ll speed toward the disaster-borne car. When the car came in sight the engineer reversed his direction, cut his speed — gaug­ ing it to the pace of the on-coming coach, and with great accuracy took a slight connecting bump and brought the entire load to safety. Humanity is helplessly and hope­ lessly rushing down the steep grade of sin, but God’s great sacrifice of His Son meets this tragic need of man, and where accepted, brings man to the place of safety — the place of salvation! "The Devil loves to fish in troubled waters. Cast all your cares upon Christ!"

THESE ARE DAYS when we enjoy tak­ ing our children and, as a fam ily outing, attend a baseball game — sharing the peanuts and all the rest. But it is amusing to see what in­ conveniences a n d inconsistencies some people w ill endure in a base­ ball park; things so similiar to those which they w ill not stand for in a church. Someone has written the fol­ lowing reasons for quitting baseball, and these reasons are based upon reasons for quitting attendance at church. We feel you w ill find them interesting. a . Every time I went to the ball park, someone asked me for money — at least at the turnstile. b . Although I went to the games quite often, no one ever spoke to me. They were most unfriendly people. c. I was a good fan, but the man­ ager never came to call on me. d . The seats were too hard. W ith all the money they hope, they could provide more comfortable seats. e . The umpire said things with which 1 could not agree —he seemed to be dogmatic. f . 1 suspected l was sitting with people who were hypocrites. The folk around me seemed to be more interested in soft drinks and hot dogs than they were in the game. g . The organist always played the same old tunes. 1 could find better music elsewhere. Whoso readeth, let him understand! "Don't give from the top of your purse, but from the bottom of your heart." * * * THE CHR IST IAN must always be on guard in this world w ith its many allurements. These attractive entice­ ments which would capture us are born of the Devil. Greek Mythology gives us the story of a wealthy King, Tantalus, who, “for an atrocious sin was punished in the lower world by being placed in water up to his chin with fruit-laden branches over his head. The water or fruit receded


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