Biola Broadcaster - 1962-07

VacaUon Dr. Martin R. DeHaan, founder-di­ rector of the Radio Bible Class is to be featured speaker for the two Biola Family Bible Conferences this sum­ mer. August 12 to 18 the Biola staff will be at Mount Hermon, seven miles from Santa Cruz, California. August 19 to 26 the team will move to the Firs Bible and Missionary Conference near Bellingham, Wash­ ington. Their addresses are: Mount Hermon Conference, Mount Hermon, California; and The Firs Bible and Missionary Conference, 4606 Cable S t r e e t , Bellingham, Washington. Rates and descriptive information will be s£nt upon request. "Prayer must mean something to us, if it is to mean anything to God." God." dr * * "Satan would rather have you wear out the soles of your shoes going to meetings, than the knees of your trousers praying." * * * "Reputation is what we think we are . . . character is what God knows we are." * * * "The Bible does not need to be rewritten, but reread." i t * "The most difficult victory to win is the victory over self." " If we will pray in the time of victory, we will not need to plead in the time of defeat." * * * " A God-forsaken man is a man who has forsaken God!" * * * " It is better to say a good thing about a bad person than to say a bad thing about a good person." * "Don't feel discouraged — look to Christ —- for even the sun has a sinking spell every night." * * * * *

Moses needed to learn again some very important basic truths about God. So the Lord reminded him that what He had promised to do, He would do. He needed to learn anew that the Lord really was aware of his problem; and so the Lord said, “I have remem­ bered . . .” He needed to be reassured concerning the Lord’s purposes;.and so Lord said, “I will bring you out and I will bring you in.” Moses needed to know his own weakness and utter de­ pendence upon God; so over and over AT THE APPROACH OF TEMPTATION I see the fiery trial near, But Thou, my God, art still the same. Hell, earth, and sin, I scorn to fear, Divinely armed with Jesus' Name. I have no skill the snare to shun, But Thou, O Christ, my wisdom art! I ever into ruin run, But Thou art greater than my heart. I have no might to oppose the foe, But everlasting strength is Thine, Show me the way that I should go; Show me the path I should decline. Which shall I leave, and which pur­ sue? Thou only my Adviser be. M y God I know not what to do; But O, mine eyes are fixed on Thee. — John Wesley again the Lord reminded him, “I am the Lord; I will bring you out . . . I will bring you in.” This is the process of renewing that we find in the hallowed and sacred moments of prayer. Have you been denying yourself this? Have you been tossed and blown about by the pressures and frustrations of life? Let us confess the sin of prayerless- ness, of self-will, of an unyielding spir­ it, and ask God to draw us anew unto Himself.

"H e never fears the face of man who knows the face of God."


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