For those who, for various reasons, J were deprived of the privilege of lis tening to Dr. Anderson as he recently , gave the following excellent studies — and, To those who fortunately could follow | along with him over the radio, we Iset down these summaries for your ■ reading and further study. |N the pages of the Old Testament * Book of Exodus, chapter 28:'9-30,! | we find the episode of the High Priestl Iwho had upon his chest a pouch, and Iupon that pouch, set in gold, were Itwelve beautiful stones. Each stone rep- | resented one of the houses of Israel -— Ithe twelve sons of Jacob.
Worn on the chest of the High Priest, | atop his other garments, and suspended from his shoulders by a chain of gold, was this pouch-like bag which was doubled. This bag was called the “breastplate of judgment” which meant 1 the ornament of decision. The sole pur- pose of this pouch was to serve as a f repository for the Urim and Thummim by which God was to give him decisions [ in the event of doubt (verse 30). Now we feel there is need to remem-1 ber, as we come to these studies of the magnificent gems in the breastplate, that the High Priest, as he bore the names of the Twelve Tribes before God I under the Law, prefigures the Lord Je- e-S
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