the church leaders were rendering. “Labor” indicates toil and wearisome effort. Official position was no empty honor; it implied self-denying work. “Them that . . . are over you in the Lord” does not define an office but points to guidance in spiritual matters, or in all the concerns and activities of the church. “Them that . . . admonish you” describes the leaders as perform ing the task of brotherly warning and kindly counsel. The occasion is one for appeal rather than authoritative commands, and Paul’s address is gentle. There is noth ing pre-emptory about his verb “be seech.” It is often used of making re quest. In keeping is the affectionate “brethren,” so common in these Epis tles. He asks them to “know” certain men. The word has the idea of know ing fully, appreciating at their true worth. It indicates that they had not realized as they should the rightful position of the people in question, and they are called upon to learn the true situation. Morris, “Those who have not been receiving their due are described as ‘them that labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you.’ The Greek construction here is three participles following a single arti cle. The point of this is that it is one group of people who discharge all three functions, and not three different groups. It is this as much as anything which inclines us to think that the elders of the church are being ad dressed. Who else would be thought of as discharging such a triple function?” The verb for “labor” is cognate with the noun “labor” in 1:3. It indicates that these people had toiled till they were weary in the service of the church. Though the term in itself is not an ecclesiastical word, and could be used of wearisome labor in gen eral, it is noteworthy how often it is used of the labor of Christian preach ers. If not a technical term at least it was well adapted to expressing what is involved in ministering in Christian things.
It is possible that the two following participles represent two different and coordinate activities, but most likely they are to be understood as explana tory of the preceding one. The labor in question is that of exercising leader ship and admonition, though this should not be understood as defining it exhaustively. The labor is of various kinds, but especially is it oversight and admonition. Them that “are over you in the Lord” is not an official descrip tion of a technical order of ministry, but it is difficult to see who could be meant other than office-bearers in the church. (continued on next page) I S I M P O R T A N T If you do not have a will to ex pressyour desire, your estate (wheth er large or small) may be completely distributed by the courts in a way that you would never have done. Hundreds of Christians, though faithful in every other service for the Lord, have neglected to write a will. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS! For a Christian not to make a will is in effect telling the world, “/ have no interest in any part of my estate going into the Loris work.” Our BIOLA Stewardship depart ment is ready to help you, and to counsel with you concerning estate matters. Attorneys hpve cooperated With our Christian friends and helped them in preparing wilts that are Christ-honoring and true to the exact wishes of the individual. We have prepared a PERSONAL ESTATE FACTS booklet to preserve vital information to help in the ad ministration of your estate. This is free for the asking. Fill out the form below and mail to STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 55 8 So. Hope St:, Los Angeles 17, California. Please send ESTATE FACTS book let. Name __.......... .......... .................... Address ............. ..................... ..........■ C ity ................................... ....... State . .. -...... ....... Zone ........ YOUR W I L L
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