Bruce Law Firm May 2018

Don’t Miss the Signs

Take Action for Your Marriage Today

LEARN ABOUT YOUR SPOUSE. There’s a book called “The 5 Love Languages” that’s a popular version of this concept. Read the book if you’d like, or just take time to ask your spouse questions and get to know how they give and receive love. If they’ve asked you repeatedly to take a dance class with them, it may not be your ideal version of fun, but it’s probably important to them. Maybe you’ve been trying, but trying in all the wrong ways. SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION. It’s really as simple or as difficult as that. In the beginning of your relationship, how often did you compliment your partner? How often do you do it now? Communicate and take care of one another in a way that means the most to the other person.

In the summer, many families happily relish in the season, enjoying family vacations, barbecues with friends, and camping trips. Maybe your spouse requested that you take part in an activity for just the two of you during this time. And maybe you ignored their request for the last time. Our firm has noticed this tragic trend: During the summer, people spend a lot of time together, doing all they can to keep the family together. But when summer is over, we see the same families ripped apart when one spouse comes into our office to file for divorce.

What can you do to avoid this scenario? Attorney Chris Bruce has some suggestions.

It’s usually not one traumatic event that leads to divorce — it’s many small cracks that eventually give way.

Marriages often end when one person feels that their partner does not appreciate them or acknowledge what they’re going through.

Often, one spouse is shocked that the other is filing for divorce. “We never fought. There weren’t any problems. What’s going on?”

Don’t let ignorance or neglect be the silent killer of your marriage. Choose one way to show your spouse you care, and act on it today.

Perhaps neither of you voiced any problems, but you weren’t maintaining a strong connection, either. When that connection remains broken for too long, it’s the silent killer of many marriages.

have a LAUGH

& Squash With Feta Sautéed Zucchini


1 zucchini

2 teaspoons fresh thyme

1 summer squash

1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 medium red onion

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil



Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion.

2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize. 4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta.

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