King's Business - 1918-09

BIBLE IN ST ITUTE H A P PEN IN G S Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

outstanding testimony for Christ, many men have come to him for interviews. In another camp, a B. I. man has organ­ ized a quartette and Gospel team. Several subscriptions have been received recently, for the purpose of sending The King’s Business to men in army camps. Through former students in the service, we are in touch with men who would appreciate the spiritual help afforded in the monthly message of the magazine, and funds given for this purpose can be put to the best of use. Letters have been received recently from Kenneth Powlison and Mr. and Mrs. H. Cromwell McKinney, Bible Institute graduates, now missionaries in South America, under the Bolivian Indian Mission, of which our brother George Allan is the director. Mr. Pow­ lison writes: “T here is evidence of the S pirit w orking in th e h earts of m any here and we are quite con­ fident of a revival some day. W e are praying th a t th ere will be enough w orkers here to m eet th e tide w hen it comes and teach them so th a t S atan will no t sidetrack them . T here is a new p riest here now and we are p ray in g for him w ith m uch zeal as th ere is considerable hope for him. He is b u t tw enty-five years old and had to leave the Sem inary six m onths before finishing th e course because of th e scarcity of p riests in Bolivia. I w ent to see him la st W ed­ nesday w ith a n ativ e C hristian who was con­ v erted from Rom an C atholicism and th e “ tata- cu ra” received us very kindly, conversing w ith ­ ou t arguing, and agreeing to come to th e M is­ sion house next Sunday to talk o v e r, th e su b ­ ject of the E u ch afist in the lig h t of S cripture.” Van Eddings, (1913) one of the early graduates of the Institute, sends greetings from Venzuela, where he and his wife and little daughter are sta­ tioned at La Asuncion, Isla de Mar­ garita. He says; “I could n o t begin to p u t on paper th e co untless blessings th e L ord has been pleased to show er upon us and th is little Island in the la st nine m onths. W e are so glad th a t H e led us ju s t to th is spot, for we are conscious daily th a t he is pleased to have us here. Since mov-

Special speakers at the Bible Insti­ tute during the past month are Dr. W. E. Blackstone, author of “Jesus is Coming” ; Dr. French E. Oliver, noted evangelist; Rev. Robert Moore of the Evangelistic association of Chicago; Dr. Lincoln A. Ferris of San Diego and Prof. H. W. Kellogg of Occidental Col­ lege. Evangelist William P. Nichol­ son supplies Dr. Torrey’s pulpit during the summer. The Bible Institute has opened a new soul-saving station in the heart of the business district of Los Angeles. A theatre, seating 1000 people, located at 338 So. Spring street, has been turned into an evangelistic center, being called “Biola Hall.” Rev. W. P. Nicholson, the Irish Evangelist is holding meet­ ings each evening, and at the noon hour each day a prayer meeting is held for business men. In connection with the hall, a reading and rest room has been opened, especially for the use of men in uniform. The prayers of God’s people everywhere are coveted for this new branch of work, that hundreds of men and women might be reached for Christ. It rejoices us greatly to learn how our men called to the colors, are being used of God as real missionaries among their comrades in arms. Extracts from letters from different men would prove most interesting. In one camp, Bible Institute students have .organized a prayer group. At another camp, where Y. M. C. A. work has not been devel­ oped, a student has been circulating tracts and engaging the interest of many men in the things of Christ. At another camp, one of our men has been dubbed “Sky-pilot” and because of his

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