King's Business - 1918-09

T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: v t the. Lord, do keen it. I w ill water it event moment, lest any hurt it, I w ill keep it night and day.” ............................... Isa. 27:3 " PUBLISHED B Y THE BIBLE IN S T IT U T E OF LOS AN G E LE S , INCORPORATED © Entered as Second-Class M atter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under the A ct of M arch 3, 1879 jXjjggf Copyright by R. A . Torrey, D . D ., and Bible Institute of Los Angeles, for the year 1918 Volume IX September, 1918 Number/8 ® THE “TABOO ” O N “MADE IN GERMANY” These are days when men are repudiating everything with the “made'in Germany” stamp upon it. There is a German-concocted theology which has of late years been permeating many of the colleges and seminaries of the world, and which has tainted a great deal of the denominational literature, especially that of the Sunday Schools. This teaching has been seeking to take away the Bible as the infallible Word of God, and has in the most subtle way denied the Deity of Christ, the necessity of His atonement and resurrection, and man’s need of regen­ eration from above. Hundreds of politicians as well as preachers are now awaking to the fact that German theology stands back of German morals and ideals. Someone has said that, if fifty years ago, the Christians of the world had made war on German theology, the present hideous war might have been avoided. Now is a good time to make war on the destructive criticism and to shake off the literature of institutions that deny the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God. Now is the time to get back to the Bible itself and to get thoroughly informed as to God’s program for the present age, for, without doubt, “the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” That THE KING’S BUSINESS has been a champion of the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and has absolutely repudiated the criticism and religious hash of the times, is a fact known by many the world around. There should not only he a turning now to publications of this type, hut there should he an effort on the part of subscribers to interest others in sound, Scriptural reading. If The King’s Business has meant anything in your home, why not recommend it, or even donate it, to your Christian neighbor? If your Sunday School teachers are hobbling along with impractical lesson helps, why not call their attention to the thorough and safe treatment of the lessons in The King's Business? If you wish some sample copies or advertising literature, or if you would like to become a regular agent of The King’s Business, write to KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor. O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A Y E A R S U B S C R IP T IO N P R IC E — In tke United States and Its Possessions and Mexico, and points in tke Central American Postal Union, $1.00 per year. In all otker foreign countries, including Canada, $1.24, (5c. 2d.) Single copies 10 cents. Receipts sent on request. See expiration date on tke wrapper. B I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S 536-558 South Hope Street ' - - - - - Los Angeles, California

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