King's Business - 1918-09

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S she hopes to reach the unsaved souls in her rooming house. It is also an antidote against the false religions of the day, as the following will show: After class, one of the members came bringing'one who had been dabbling a little in Christian Science and New Thought. The study of the Word had convicted her anfl she said “Last night I picked up a book which told me to develop the divine, the God within me. I laid the book down feeling there must be something wrong with it.” She is now interested in the pure, old Gospel story which gives us a divine Lord to dwell within. Praise the Lord, His Word is a living Word, and where there is life there is growth. It had been a discouraging class, more than the usual number being too busy and interested in other lines of work, and so in spite of many days of calling and persistent, invitations, it was thought best to expend the effort elsewhere. With a somewhat heavy heart the Bible woman was leaving, wondering a little why so much time and strength should be allowed to bring so little result; but “God’s ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts.” The father of the hostess had been visiting in the home as he passed through Sunny California, and so as' we are leaving we stop for a few words of greeting and farewell. “Shall we surely meet again?” we ask. The reply is “I hope so; I have lived a straight, upright life.” Then the Word is opened and explained as the one way of life, and penitent tears are soon seen, and there is the assurance of meeting again as we part. The marked copy of the Gospel of John is accepted eagerly and with a promise that it will be read often, and the Bible woman goes her way with these words ringing in her heart, “There is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents” and the feeling that the class was worth while, after all. The Bible woman often realizes that no matter how tactfully she presents the

766 to die she would go to be with the Lord in Heaven, she answered “Yes, indeed!” Then quietly, simply and in as few words as possible (how precious it is that the Gospel, unlike false systems of religion, can be told in a few words!), the story of the One that died for us all was told and believed, and those sins were for­ given and that precious soul was saved. A few days later that little cot in the hospital was empty and another redeemed soul had gone to that Home above where there are no sick-beds, no suffering and no sorrow. The Bible worker has demonstrated over and over again that the Bible is all sufficient to meet any need. Bible classes grow and prosper, and the lives of the . y , members develop \ WORK OP THE as a result of f\ A BIBLE WOMEN pure Bible teach- Vj* Mrs. T. O. Horton tertainments or shows or even suppers. For instance, Bible teaching produces a burden for souls. One member of a class went to a deserted mining region and immediately was desirous of start­ ing a Bible class and leading souls to Christ. Literature is being sent to guide her in her lessons. Another class member went to Texas, while another left for Missouri, and both have written back of their desire to give others the precious Gospel message by means of a Bible class. From a lonely field in the desert comes word of a former Bible class member who has already started a Sunday School and hopes to have a class in Bible study during the week also. Bible study also produces the desire to make things right in one’s own life. Members of classes are continually testi­ fying to this. Bible study makes the Christian alert and energetic. Only today a member came with a plan by which Encouraging Results of Bible Women’s Work ing. It is not nec­ essary to add en­

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