King's Business - 1918-09



MATTHEWS AND MATERIALISM Shailer Mathews holds that we can­ not know what the Bible teaches until we have rescued it from its oriental­ ism and have translated it into the terms of occidental life, or life as it is developed in our western world. I hold precisely the reverse to be the case. ‘Life and immortality have been brought to light in the gospel,’ the rec­ ord runs. We need to examine our western ideas and ideals in the light of the Scripture as it pleased God to have it written, rather than examine the Word itself by our western life with its conceited'scholasticism and boasted science.' Ours is an age of materialistic philosophy. Our daily papers and mag­ azines are full of it. The trend of the whole thing is earthward and away from heaven and the life to come. If ever we needed a hook just like the Bible we need it now. And when, rushed and fevered by our daily tur­ moil, I turn to the Bible and read chapter after chapter, I find my soul caught away to another world. It calms and quiets me, for there I find life and immortality.—Rev. Daniel Bryant. I . 'M&. I m CATHOLICS IN U. S. Catholics in the United States, not including our island possessions, now number 17,416,303, according to fig­ ures in the 1918 Catholic Directory. The four states having the largest pro­ portion of Catholics in hteir population are: New York, with 3,088,406; Penn­ sylvania, with 1,885,000; Illinois, with 1,482,574; and Massachusetts, with 1,460,060. I am sorry for the men who do not read the Bible every day. I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and the pleasure. There is no other hook that yields its meaning so person­ ally, that seems to fit itself so inti­ mately to the very spirit that is seeking its guidance.—Woodrow Wilson.

truth it will sometimes have the result of antagonizing the hearers. A lady who had been in Christian Science became very angry when we lovingly tried to show her the danger of that blasphemous belief. Later she came hack praising God for opening her çyes and saying that she had given it all up and was rejoicing in her Lord. She has identified herself with a church and Seems well established in the Word. She has taken her two little children out of Christian Science and placed them where the true Gospel is taught. BIBLE WORK IN CHINA Those who wish to make a telling missionary investment can do nothing better than to put their money into the floating Bible Schools of China, a unique plan which has wrought won­ derful results. Dr. Frank Keller is in charge of this work, which is a branch of The Bible Institute of Los Angelas. The cost of one boat and equipment for one year is $1800. This includes two Bible teachers, ten colporteurs and the hire of a boat. The literature distribu­ ted in a year adds another $1700, mak­ ing the total $3500. The cost of a single colporteur is $60 a year. The work is limited only by the gifts. Write the Bible Institute for the booklet telling of this unique undertaking. PROSPERITY Upon the cover of one of the issues of The King’s Business in the year 1910, was the following quotation from Daniel Webster, words that were never more true than they are today: “If we abide with the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper: but if we and our posterity neglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”

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