King's Business - 1918-09

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S (6) Confronting God’s messenger, you face a friend, not a foe. (7) Better to die in defense of the right than to reign in unrighteous­ ness. (8) Be sure your sin will find you out. Evil Will Out A company of sailors conveyed some officers to a little town. While the offic­ ers were attending to affairs, the sailors amused themselves by stealing all the beeswax a s t o r e - PERTINENT keeper, o n t h e ILLUSTRATIONS N corner of the wharf, had. When the offic­ ers returned, the merchant reported the theft, but when they went to the boat the. sailors denied having taken the wax. As they were discussing the mat­ ter the sailors were ;dropping the wax oxerboard thinking they could cover their sin by sinking the wax, but in a few minutes the wax came to the top and was floating all about the ship. It. did not sink. Evil Is Rooted in The Human Heart It is said that the woman who took the medal at the World’s Fair as being the most beautiful woman in America, was seen six years after in one of the lowest dives in Chicago. In one of Dr. Chapman’s meetings a man rose and said. “When I was a boy, a Sunday School teacher invited her class of boys to her home and dur­ ing the evening taught them to play cards. Out of those seven boys, two are vagabonds, two fill drunkard’s graves, two were hung and I am left, and if the law knew where to find me, I would not be here tonight. An aged woman arose, sobbinf, and said, “Oh, my God; I am that Sunday School teacher,” and she fainted. Evil Springs from Unbelief and Selfish­ ness A young man grew up in an eastern town. His parents gave him an excel­


lent education. He inherited a large brick block, which contained a clothing store. Here he carried on business and was loved by all the community. He began to satisfy his fleshly desires, which led to drink. He went down and down until he lost his property. He was finally ordered out of town because of his impurity, and when he died in New York City he was in such degredation that it was disgusting. When the city authorities wrote to his home town to see if anyone would pay the freight on his body to bury it in the home plot, the home town officers refused to pay it, and he was buried in the potters field. Evil Always Recoils Southey tells the story of some wreckers who cut down the bell that was suspended on a buoy over a dan­ gerous reef, in order that the incoming ships, unwarned in the darkness and storm, might come within, reach of the greedy hand of these pirates. Later the wreckers themselves were lost on the same reef from which thy cut the bell. Evil Brings Destruction An eagle swooped down into the East River one day and arose with a fish in its talons. The fish was so heavy the eagle could not make way with .it. Lit­ tle by little, it pulled the bird down,, and when the eagle wanted to drop the fish, it could not, because its claws were' fastened too tightly in the fish, and thus the eagle was pulled down to destruction. The dying moments of Peter, the great, were embittered by remorse respecting his cruel conduct to his son Alexis, whom he had deprived of every­ thing. He was exhorted to pray, and said, “I believe, Lord, and confess; help thou mine unbelief.” Calling for writ­ ing material, he endeavored to put his wishes upon paper; but all that could be deciphered was, “Restore all to—”

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