King's Business - 1918-09



a little corner added to your estate, let the Lord find it for you, and it will be done in a way in which no man will be injured, but in which the spirit of righteousness will be honored.-—Peo­ ple’s Bible. Eph. 5:11. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. The only sovereign remedy for coveteous- ness is to give Christ the preeminence in our hearts, for then we shall under­ value all temporal things in comparison with Him.^fcFisher. Happy is the man who renounces everything which brings a sting or burden upon his conscience. —aKempis. Nothing we lose by yield­ ing to God is worth what we gain.— Trumbull. The Christian is not ruined by living in the world but the world living in him.r—Baxter. with your girls in class. A little girl crawled upon her fath­ er’s knee at twilight and said, “Daddy did you see me covering my MY eyes a moment ago? I’ve GIRLS been naughty to-day. I was asking Jesus to forgive me. Oh, daddy it’s so hard to be good.” Every one will agree with little Annie. She had not yet learned that it’s not only hard but it’s impossible for us to be good. The Bible emphatically teaches that there is a personality of evil called the devil. It is popular to spell devil with the' “D” left off. In our study of “Con­ quering evil” it will be well to con- sid “how conquer the devil.” God calls Satan (Zach. 3:1) “our adversary, the devil,” (Jno. 8:44, 13:2, 1 Pet. 5:8); “the wicked one” (Matt. 13:19, 39, 1 Jno. 5:19 R. V.); “the tempter” (Matt. 4:3). Satan is not alone wicked him­ self but is the source of all wickedness in the world. Unseen to us Satan trans­ forms himself into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:4) and as a lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour. He deceives us and leads us into sin. “Sin Teacher: Examine all references

when it is finished brings forth death.” (Jas. 1:15.) Human strength is no match for Satan. We have every one of us sinned since our Mother Eve has fallen a prey to him. “All have sinned.” (Rom. 3:23.) But God in His love and mercy has pro­ vided a way out. Since Satan is might­ ier than men it required one stronger than man to conquer him. God the Father sent His own Son, God the Son. Since we are flesh and blood Christ also partook of the same that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil. (Heb. 2:14.) He loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. (Rev. 1:5.) The moment I accept what Christ has done for me He becomes my Sav­ iour, I pass out of death (the realm of sin) into life. (Jno. 5:24). Christ saves me (1) from my past sins, He himself met the penalty. (2) He wants to save me now from yielding to the power of sin (Satan) and after I leave this life He will save me from the presence of sin. Every Christian accepts Christ’s offer to free from the penalty of sin, but many think they are to keep them­ selves. Christ only can keep us as well as free us. “Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matt. 1:21. Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from the present evil world. (Gal. 1:4) What is sin? We commonly think of theft, murder aid lying. God calls anx­ iety, worry, unrest, pride, jealousy, and self sins also. How shall we get vic­ tory over them? By asking Jesus to help us grow out of them? No never. Remember that sin is of Satan. Only Christ is able to meet Satan. Whether it be past sin or present sin, sin has to be covered by Christ’s blood. So vic­ tory is all of grace, God’s gift, not self effort but just Jesus the victor. (Eph 2 : 8 - 9 ) We took Jesus for our past sins. In

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