King's Business - 1918-09


783 began to ask them hard questions and Daniel and his friends could answer right away, and the king said they knew as much as the grown men. Now when the king saw how much better these boys did on the simple food and pure water, he ordered his servant to give all the boys the simple food and water. Was that not fine? We know something else Daniel and his friends did that helped them grow strong and able to answer the questions. They prayed to God every day and asked Him to help them. You know they were far away from home, and they asked God to take care of their fathers and mothers, and help them to always choose the right. Daniel and his friends loved God and prayed to Him, and God gave them wis­ dom so they chose the right, and would not do anything that would hurt the bodies God gave them. If we eat too much,, or use strong drink or tobacco, it will hurt our bodies and make them weak and sick; and Jesus wants us to keep our bodies pure and strong for Him, and then we can be true helpers for our king, Jesus. Closing Prayer.—Dear Lord Jesus we thank thee for our bodies, and we ask thee to help us to choose the right things every day so we can be thy helpers. DANGEROUS PLACE Mr. Gaebelin says: “They were build­ ing near Chicago a great big church building for a certain denomination, which in creed is evangelical. The pas­ tor of that church is a higher critic, a man who has no use for redemption by blood and none whatever for the inspiration of the Bible. While the structure was going up the workmen put up at the entrance a big sign, “Danger!'- Keep out!” This is what ought to be put in front of any building where the faith deliv­ ered unto the saints is denied and where a false gospel and false doctrines are taught.”

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S boys he could find. This king lived in a very fine house, and he had fine char­ iots and beautiful horses, and the finest clothes money could buy, and his table was always filled with the choicest foods, very sweet and rich. The dishes were of gold and silver, and this king always had wine to drink. This king did not know God, but he prayed to images made of wood and stone. He wanted to make these four boys happy so he sent them food from his table in the fine dishes and cups full of wine. Is that the kind of food and drink that makes boys and girls grow strong? No, indeed it does not. Candy and sweet things do not make us strong, but bread and good fresh vegetables do. Wine and beer hurts our bodies, makes them weak,' and makes our minds that we study and think with sick, so we will never drink anything that will hurt this beautiful body God has given us, but we will always choose pure water for our drink, so we will grow up to be strong men and women, so we can be helpers for our King, Jesus. One of these boy’s name was Daniel, and he knew these sweet, rich foods and wine were not good for them, so he asked the servant who took care of them to give them vegetables to eat and water to drink. This servant loved Daniel and wanted to please him, but he was afraid the king would not like it, and if the boys’ faces should grow thin by eating the other food, then the king would blame the servant and kill him, but Daniel knew the vegetables and pure water would make them stronger, and he knew the rich food and especially the wine would make them weak, so Daniel asked the servant just to try it ten days, which the servant did. Now how do you suppose these four boys looked when the day came for them to stand before the king with a number of other boys who had eaten the king’s rich food and drank the wine? Yes, Daniel and his three friends were stronger and fat­ ter than all the rest, and then the king

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