King's Business - 1918-09


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S life was reproducing its kind. The word our voices and tongues to talk and sing

in the English language that bothers me most is “Influence.” It works whether I am awake or asleep. I can­ not stop it if I would. The only way it" can be what it ought to be is to let Christ the seed bear His natural fruit in me. The modern living Gospel of Christ is being read by millions today, where the printed Gospel is being read by hundreds. The Happiness of Working for Jesus. Matt. 25:14-30 Memory Verse.— “Well done, good and faithful servant—enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matt. 25:21. Approach.^—Did any of you boys and girls ever have mother go away from home for a while and left you with grandmother, or an aunt or some other grown person, and be- BEGINNERS fore she got back you AND missed her so much PRIMARY that it made you think how much you loved her, and you went to work and you just cleaned up the whole yard and made everything look so nice that the neigh­ bors hardly knew it was your place, or perhaps you did something else that you knew would please mother very much when she came back. Then one day mother surprised you all and walked in without letting you know when she was coming, and she was so pleased with the good work you had done, for it made her feel how much you loved her and had done everything you could to help while she was away. You were happy while you were doing the work, but now she tells you how pleased she is to know her children have been so good and faithful, and she gave you some money, or a present and then you were happier still, and how glad you were that you worked and did all you could to help while she was away. Now let us thank Jesus for giving us our bodies with hands and feet to work for Him, and

our minds to think and study with, and all the good things He has given to us. Lesson Story.- ' Once upon a time a man took a journey into a country far away, but before he went he called three men, who were his servants and gave them his money that they might take it and earn more for him while he was away. To one of the servants he gave five pieces of money, to another two pieces, to the other servant only one piece of money, but he gave to each servant as much as he thought that servant would know how to use. The servant who had the five pieces of money took them and used them in working for his master until he had earned five pieces more,, and the one who had the two pieces did the same until he had earned two pieces more. These two men were very happy as they worked for their master to earn more money, just as it made you happy to work and help while mother was away. The servant who received the one piece of money did not love his master and did not care to work for him, so he hid his piece of money in the ground until his master should come back. After a long time the master came back and asked his servants what they had done with his money. The servant who had received the five pieces brought them to his master with the five other pieces ■which he had earned, and "the one with the two pieces brought his with, the other two he had earned. Then the master said something that made these two servants very happy indeed. He said, Well done, good and faithful ser­ vants, you have worked hard and made good use of the money T gave you; I will now give you many things, and you can come and live in my house and be happy with me there. Then the ser­ vant who had the one piece of money came and said he had not earned any more moneys The master then told him he was a bad servant for he had been idle while he was away, so he took his

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