King's Business - 1918-09

BIBLE CONFERENCE AND SCHOOL OF METHODS Bible Institute of Los Angeles September 1st to 22nd

GREAT MESSAGES FROM MEN OWNED OF GOD. VITAL METHODS OF CHRISTIAN WORK BY TRAINED EXPERTS. Principal Speaker DR. A. C. GAEBELEIN of New Y ork. Dr/ Gaebelein is one of the deepest, clearest, sanest Bible expositors in the country, and has a large constituteney in Cali­ fornia. His themes will include

The Core Doctrines of the Gospel of John; The Gospel of the Kingdom, in Matthew; Studies in the Book of Hebrews.

THE SCHOOL OF METHODS will include the following subjects: (1) Pastoral Work (2) : Sunday School Work (3) Young People’s Work (4) Missions (5) Practical Christian Work (6) Work for Girls and Women

(7) Instruction in Congregation Singing (8) Use of the Voice in Public Speaking - All of the leaders have had years of experience in their special line of work. For those who desire lessons in piano and voice culture, at special hours, arrangements can be made with the Institute pro­ fessors. The Men’s Hotel and Women’s Hotel will afford accommoda­ tions at special rates. A cafeteria, with home cooking and spacious dining room, is connected with the hotels. The Auditoriums of the Institute are spacious and cool. The location is central. Every facility is available for a restful, helpful time. For full information, in detail, send for bulletin. T. C. HORTON, S u p erin ten d en t, Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles. Sixth an d H ope S treets.

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