They acknowledged a rising number of more serious Wellbeing issues coming out of the pandemic amongst their teams They also recognised that this puts added pressure on People Managers, needing to be attune to this and knowing when the individual needs more professional wellbeing help How can we be better equipped as People Managers to deal with mental health now and in the future – both in skills, in time and in value? How do we ensure people don’t just speak up when they’re at breaking point? The Directors in particular voiced concern about managing multiple aspects of the team – from client delivery to people development to commercial management They raised that, when workload is high, people can become blinkered to deliver to deadline rather than be able to make the time for the people or cultural aspects of their role. NEXT STEP FOR BDO Maintain wellbeing as a cultural priority, including workload management and mental health Continue to train Mental Health First Aiders to be a support to People Managers Share Nadine Thomas’ personal story on Insite of how she faced up to a wellbeing event to change her behaviours, mindfully balance her habits and put them into practice.
They recognised there is a dilemma between having positive Wellbeing messages and campaigns with the reality of people’s workload or intensity with which they are working They agreed that BDO has definitely dialled up the message on the importance of Wellbeing in the last year which has been very welcome One group had an active debate about how to balance our focus on wellbeing against a drive for profitability; the majority vote was that wellbeing needs to continue being a business priority In particular, people feel they can be more open talking to partners about where people are struggling; this openness is a significant and welcome shift Each group raised wellbeing, workloads or resource within the first 20 minutes of the conversation starting. NEXT STEP FOR DIRECTORS AND PRINCIPALS To continue being open about your own wellbeing; there are people and resources available to help you To link in with one of our 60 trained Mental Health First Aiders to support you or a team member in their moment of need Talk to your partner and/or HR Manager about wellbeing concerns you see around you.
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