King's Business - 1966-06


\ PEOPLE (continued Harold Lovestrand, missionary of The Evangelical Alliance M ission to West Irian, was released March 23 by the Indonesian authorities in Djakarta after being held since early August, 1965. Mr. Lovestrand, to­ gether with his wife and four chil­ dren, were ordered “ deported” by the Indonesian authorities as a climax to a long period of frustrating nego­ tiations, during which time the au­ thorities sought evidence of some complicity on the’ part of Mr. Love­ strand in a native uprising in Mano- kwari. No formal charges were ever filed, and was proven that the sus­ picion of the authorities were un­ founded. During his detention, Mr. Lovestrand became seriously ill with malaria, and just as the crisis was reached, the American authorities succeeded in having him moved to a military hospital where he could re­ receive medical treatment and where his family could visit him. The Love- strands are now located temporarily at the Faith Academy, Manila, Philippines. Dean A . Dalton, di­ tising promotion, educational and personal service, Teach Magazine, audio-visual development and con­ sumer research. Jack Houston has joined the staff of Scripture Press Publications as managing editor of Power Life (formerly Teen Power). He replaces Ted Miller who has become editor of the Christian Reader, published by Tyndale House Publishers of Whea­ ton, Illinois. Before joining the edi­ torial department of Scripture Press, Mr. Houston served as publicity manager of Moody Bible Institute and has written several fiction stories and non-fiction articles published by religious and secular publications. William B. Eerdmans, Sr., founder and chairman of the William B. Eerd­ mans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, went to be with the Lord on April 12, 1966. Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, president of the Narramore Christian Foundation of Pasadena, California, has an­ nounced the moving of their offices into the newly-constructed Interna­ tional Headquarters B u ild in g in Rosemead, California. Mr. Dalton re c to r o f Gospel Light Publications Education Services Department, has been named to head the new Education and In fo rm a tion Division. Mr. Dal­ ton will direct Gos­ pel Light’s adver­ fipDjrÇJT' X f Æ Ê

Omo «he wa« somebody’« little g irl. . • Now she's just a Lonely Orphan pleading for a Sponsor! As with thousands of other children in this tormented part of the world, she knows the deep tragedy of being a castaway. She’s found

refuge in one of our orphanages in Korea, but she sorely needs the assurance of a sponsor . . . one who will personally be for her a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister.” That’s why she looks so sad! YOU CAN CHANGE ALL T H A T . . . and bring a smile to her face by becoming her sponsor. And we ' have hundreds more, just like her, who are without sponsors. It costs only $10 a month—just 33 cents a day—to provide food, ■ H H H B shelter, clothing and medical care. But knowing that they have someone like you, who really cares, makes all the difference in the world. Un Hui (Y -l) Age 5 WL

Ui Kwon (Y-2)

history, history of the Home, and the exchange of letters will make this relationship real and truly rewarding. We’ll provide the Home, staffed by Bible-believing Koreans, and a wholesome atmosphere for your orphan. Choose one of these pictured here. They’re all so precious. Don’t delay. Do it right n o w . Use the handy coupon below.

Ok Ei (Y-3) Age 7

Yang Keun (Y-4) Yung Sook (Y-5) Age 6 Age 8 Est. 1952 CmmsiOL / Rev. Everett F. Swanson, Founder Interdenominational, Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K66 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario Suk Jong (Y-6) Age 9

Yun Ok (Y-7) Age 13

Sang Do (Y-8) Age 13

Choon Ja (Y-9) Age 8


►Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is ____________________ . If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy □ Girl______Age. With God's help,n will send 810 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis­ continue any time. Please send child's picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for □ First month, Q one year. □ Please select a child for me and send par­ ticulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $_____ ______ . All gifts are most welcome . . . income tax deductible. □ Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan."

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