King's Business - 1966-06

are large size so you may use them with either medium or small groups. These new pre-packaged visuals will save many hours of preparation and make your teaching more meaning­ ful. Q. Do you recommend a combined worship service for the entire Vaca­ tion School? A. No. However, some churches pre­ fer to have the entire school meet to­ gether for the first 30 minutes. Fre­ quently this is worked out according to their own preference; but we rec­ ommend that, wherever possible, sep­ arate worship services be conducted by the departments. If it is not pos­ sible for departments to meet sep­ arately for the worship services, “ combined worship services” surely are in order. Q. What is the best way to help new Christians to become involved work­ ers in the church? A. Certainly this should be the goal of every church program. The song that says, “ This world is not my home — we’re just passing through” is true! Heaven is our home but this world is the mission field in which God has placed us. The church is the training institution. New Chris­ tians should be made aware of their responsibility in the membership class, by sermons from the pulpit, and through an interview, by a per­ sonnel committee, at the time of joining. A well-structured training program also should be promised the new worker. A. The sponsor’s role must be a very active one, but much of his ac­ tivity is behind the scenes rather than up-front leadership. His posi­ tion could be likened to that of a coach of an athletic team. Like a coach on the football field, he helps the young people carry the ball themselves. He seeks to inspire and motivate them to their best per­ formance and to help the young peo­ ple build confidence in themselves. He receives no honor to himself; all the honor goes to the young people who are learning and growing as the sponsors help them to do so. *Rev. Larson is Western Regional Di­ rector for Scripture Press. This fea­ ture is heard weekly over KBBI, Los Angeles, and KGER, Long Beach. Other panel members are Rev. Ray Syrstad and Rev. Paul Dirks. Q. How active a l e ad e r s h i p role should sponsors take?

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JUNE, 1966

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