King's Business - 1966-06

Formulas That Work! Chemistry, physics, mathematics, and other sciences all have definite, positive, proven formulas which seemingly defy failure. They ALWAYS work whenever the formula is faithfully followed. But God has unbreakable laws in the spiritual realm just as surely as He does in the

cords. The solution o f all family problems can be found in the se­ cret place o f prayer. With the battlement o f prayer must also be erected the battle­ ment o f Scripture reading and faith in the holy Scriptures. The Word o f God should have a prominent place, not only on the living room table but also in the hearts o f each member o f the family. “ Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119 :11 ). O f Timothy who had both a godly mother and grandmother we read, “ and that from a child thou hast known the holy scrip­ tures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (II Tim. 3 : 1 5 ) . Both o f these battlements are elements o f the family altar, which, alas, has been broken down in so many homes. This has been a strong contributing factor to juvenile delinquency, and even the crime wave among children and teenagers which has devas­ tated our land in the last few years. What a precious memory and heritage parents can leave to their children who have been faithful to the Lord in faithfully keeping the fam ily altar as an in­ tegral part o f the home! Many whose lives have been ruined by the ravages o f sin point back to the home as the place where the seeds o f deception, worldiness, and a lack o f Chris­ tian teachings and practices were sown. Are you building a new home? Are you furnishing it with the very best and newest in furniture and furnishings? It will without doubt be a beautiful house, but will it be a home that will g lorify the Lord? Let us erect the spir­ itual battlements; let us rebuild the altars o f fam ily worship and seek to build new houses that will really be homes that will exalt and g lorify the Lord, fo r “ Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it” (Psalms 1 2 7 :3 ).

natural. Those laws, or formulas, are plainly set forth in His Word for all to find and follow. Dr. John R. Rice, author of the four books listed below, has centered his writings on the tried, tested, proven promises of Scripture. The formulas for success in the matters with which they deal are not speculation or theory; they are based upon the infallible “ Thus saith the Lord!” Blessing untold awaits the reader and “ heeder” of these books!

FORMULA FOR PRAYER POWER: of illustrations, by unanswerable logic, the 328 big pages of this volume lead the reader step-by-step in the school of prayer. Highly commended by Chris­ tian leaders everywhere, this book really answers your questions about prayer- Only $3.50.

Prayer— Asking and Receiving. Here are 21 tremendous chapters dealing with one of the most vital phases of a believer’s life and ministry. No Chris­ tian can have power with men unless he first has power with God: this book tells you how to have that power. By hundreds of Scriptures, by scores The Golden Path to Successful Personal Soul Winning. We believe this is the most thorough Bible teaching in print on soul winning, and yet filled with personal illustrations of people saved and of how they were won. It discusses the matter of how to go, of the use of the Bible, of compassion, and the lead­ ing of the Spirit. Easy reading, life- The Power of Pentecost. The secret of success in winning men to Christ cen­ ters around the fullness of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life. This huge manual tells from the Bible how every Christian may be filled with the Holy Spirit and be the soul winner his Sav­ iour intended him to be! Some of the 15 chapters are: The The Home: Courtship, Marriage and Children. This big book of 22 chapters was written especially to serve as a Bible manual on the home. That it ful­ fills its purpose is seen by the broken homes it has reunited, the ones it has won to Christ, the homes it has revolu­ tionized, the lives where sorrow has

changing. Dr. Jack Hyles says: “It is vrithout doubt the greatest work on soul win­ ning I have ever read. It combines the practical with the spiritual in a unique way." Full index of Scriptures and illustra­ tions. 15 chapters, 314 pages, 2-color hard-bound covering. Only $3.00. Lost Secret — Power; Misunderstood Pentecost; Speaking With Tongues; The Power of Pentecost for Every Christian; Why Prevailing, Persistent Prayer Is Necessary for Holy Spirit Power; and Claim Your Blessing. Cloth binding, indexed. 441 pages. $3.50. FORMULA FOR FULLNESS OF POWER: FORMULA FOR A HAPPY HOME: melted into song following its reading and application. The 381 big pages deal with almost every phase of courtship, marriage and the rearing of children for Christ. Hard binding, highly recommended, an ideal gift for yourself or others. $3.50. FORMULA FOR SUCCESSFUL SOUL W INN ING :

SWORD OF THE LORD PUBLISHERS Box 1099, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (Add 5% of the total price for postage and handling.)


JUNE, 1966

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