King's Business - 1966-06

Our second year Faith Promise increased 10% w i t h a much broader base o f participation. To keep our missionary concerns be­ fore our people, all o f our Sunday School departments meet a mis­ sionary every month. Our weekly church paper has devoted a page to interesting mission news, ex­ cerpts from letters and a financial report. Prayer is a vital ministry in missions; hence we include a prayer calendar fo r the week in each bulletin. A mission display cabinet in our foyer is a silent, but attractive witness, to the peo­ ple o f what their mission dollars are doing to win people to Christ. The primary p u r p o s e o f a strong missionary program is to take Christ to a needy world, not to build the local church. Yet we have found our church strength­ ened and grow ing because o f our new involvement in world evan­ gelization. New prayer concern and grow ing faith can be seen. There is a victory every time someone discovers he cannot out- give God. A new spirit o f gener­ osity is a common result o f trust­ ing God fo r a special g ift fo r

missions. Some have discovered they too can be missionaries right here at home by becoming part o f a street meeting with Open A ir Campaigners or partici­ pating in Campus Crusade evan­ gelistic thrusts. Several young people have been challenged to enter some phase o f the Lord’s service by the constant presenta­ tion o f the need o f the world and oui commission to meet it. It is thrilling to see G od w ork ! One couple’s income from overtime was the exact amount o f their Faith Promise fo r the year. Another couple received the pay­ ment o f a loan they had crossed off as hopeless years before. A young c o l l e g e girl wrote, “ I thank God fo r your church’s mis­ sionary p rog ram ; through it I learned the meaning o f giving.” There is no jo y like seeing God answering prayer. In planning fo r our monthly missionary emphasis this year, our committee gained fo r ty fer­ tile ideas fo r promoting missions in one short brainstorming ses­ sion. This year film has been sent to our missionaries so that we can feature new color slides dur­ ing our conference. Personal con­ tact between our people and mis­ sionaries is being encouraged by promoting f e l l o w s h i p dinners with a missionary couple as spe­ cial guests. Our committee is concerned with making our whole congregation missionaries. To im­ plement this, every fam ily is be­ ing given an opportunity to be­ come a Christian friend to an in­ ternational student and also to participate in a door - to - door evangelism program. For seven years we dabbled with missions and saw little hap­ pen. Then when we cut the rope and launched out into the deep, we saw God work in a new way. Here is where you find the excite­ ment in service fo r Christ. Be­ come involved in world evange­ lization, that which is dearest to the heart o f God, and you will see Him use you and your church in a new way.




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Rev. V erl Lindley is pastor o f the Granada H eights Friends Church lo­ cated in La Mirada, California, near the Biola College campus.




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