Measuring the State of Circularity in the UK Fashion Industry
Part 2
Executive Summary
Part 3
Part 1
Mass/mid-market apparel retailer Case study spotlight
“We launched our collection to show everyone what we’re doing isn’t impossible, it’s really tangible. The minute the launch went live, attitudes completely flipped. There’s more appetite than we have capacity for now.”
Anonymous survey respondent
To become a circular fashion brand, you have to start with the basics: a strategy. A popular high street brand did this by creating a framework for circular products, and unifying buyers under a common definition. They began by creating a Circular Product Standard, which was then the blueprint for a single range and company-wide training across product teams. The brand has gained support from employees, suppliers, and sponsors due to this strategy, which continues to grow.
Key takeaways:
Clear from the beginning The involvement of cross-functional teams through regular working groups and other forums ensured everyone was aligned behind a common goal. By establishing feedback loops and fostering a collaborative and iterative environment from the offset, everyone was working towards the same goal from day one. 1
Robust, sequential, considered planning
Initiatives were carefully road mapped, and business cased, and sequentially released to build momentum. The launch of the circular range was accelerated as a proof of concept and was immediately followed by training whilst employee interest was high.
Senior sponsorship and advocacy
A team that ‘speaks buyers’ language
Buy-in from sponsors was crucial to getting the business case sign off, despite the increased margin pressure. Through senior management advocacy and the promotion of circular concepts, colleagues and suppliers were granted the time to drive progress due to belief in the mission.
The delivery team assembled with a range of previous buying and commercial experience. This granted the team vast knowledge of the pressures encountered by purchasing teams. Using this as an advantage, the team facilitated close collaboration with buyers, and an empathetic approach to ensure solutions are effective for both buyers and delivery teams.
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