2024 MFLKF Annual Report


The Meat Me in Memphis Gala is the Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser. Held in Memphis, Tennessee, the gala supports organizations across all Monogram Foods locations. Attendees enjoy local chefs’ dishes, live music, and live and silent auctions, all for a great cause. We held the 13th Meat Me in Memphis gala on October 24. Through this event, we surpassed all previous fundraising goals and hit $1 million for the Foundation. To reach the goal, many of our generous donors raised pledge amounts; we added new features like a wine pull; and presented the best silent auction in gala history thanks to our partners and suppliers who donated.

Reaching our ambitious $1milion goal was truly a team effort.

Scan here to read a short feature on the 2024 event published in the “Memphis Flyer”

Thank you to all who contributed!

The 2025 gala will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2025.

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