
DistilaMax ® & Quality yeast and yeast nutrients for beverage alcohol fermentations. DistilaVite ®

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charity auctions. Whatever is going on, we try to help.

‘The After Dark Distillery Song’ on your homepage is really something I recommend to our readers. It’s a great video, a great song, and it just captures the spirit you’ve tapped-into there in Sicamous – and please forgive the beer lingo. LP: The band you see on the website is called Seal Skull Hammer and they’re tied to the distillery, more or less. They’re a local band. They’ve come in several times to the distillery and they’ll be back throughout next summer. DP: They really get a kick out of coming here and playing and we love having them. With all the kilometres you’ve logged promoting and delivering your products to privately- owned liquor stores, have you made a few stops along the way to compete in craft spirits exhibitions or anything of that sort? LP: We haven’t really done the competition end of things, yet. We’re just starting to get into the spirits festivals, doing taste-testing with other vendors. We just did the Hopscotch Festival in Kelowna and we have another festival in Vancou- ver at the end of November. In January we’re heading to Chilliwack. That’s all very exciting for us. It is lots of foot tracks and a great way to get our product out there. It’s also great for networking, no doubt.



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