Students coming out of main entrance at PCB
ing churches and Christian organiza tions throughout the United States. The day school enrollment now num bers 418 with the evening school figures at 705. Graduates may obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Bible with four courses of study: missions, pre - theology, Christian education and music.
D r . H orace F. D ean has an nounced special commemorative events for the Golden Jubilee of the Philadelphia College of the Bible, 1800 Arch Street, Ph i l ade l ph i a , Pennsylvania. Dr. Dean serves as chairman of the Jubilee Committee which highlighted their program with a recent special banquet at the Sheraton Hotel in their city. Dr. Jack Wyrtzen was the key speaker with soloist Fague Springman. It was in 1913 that the Bible In- stitute of Pennsylvania was estab lished. The Philadelphia School of the Bible was inaugurated in 1914 with outstanding leaders such as Dr. Rueben A. Torrey, Dr. C. I. Scofield and Dr. William L. Pettingill work ing very closely with both organi- zations. For 37 years the two schools continued separate ministries until 1951 when they merged as the Phila delphia Bible Institute. Dr. William A. Mierop was named president in 1957. The present name was selected in 1958 and Dr. Douglas B. Mac- Corkle was installed as president October 18, 1963.
Other features o f the jubilee year will be the publication of an anni versary edition of the Scofield Ref erence Bible along with a special Bible conference October 25 to 30 (coinciding with Reformation Week) the theme of which will be “ Re affirmation of the Faith.” PCB has nearly 5,000 alumni serv
Students witnessing at Logan Circle in downtown Philadelphia.
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