King's Business - 1964-10





Students coming out of main entrance at PCB

ing churches and Christian organiza­ tions throughout the United States. The day school enrollment now num­ bers 418 with the evening school figures at 705. Graduates may obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Bible with four courses of study: missions, pre - theology, Christian education and music.

D r . H orace F. D ean has an­ nounced special commemorative events for the Golden Jubilee of the Philadelphia College of the Bible, 1800 Arch Street, Ph i l ade l ph i a , Pennsylvania. Dr. Dean serves as chairman of the Jubilee Committee which highlighted their program with a recent special banquet at the Sheraton Hotel in their city. Dr. Jack Wyrtzen was the key speaker with soloist Fague Springman. It was in 1913 that the Bible In- stitute of Pennsylvania was estab­ lished. The Philadelphia School of the Bible was inaugurated in 1914 with outstanding leaders such as Dr. Rueben A. Torrey, Dr. C. I. Scofield and Dr. William L. Pettingill work­ ing very closely with both organi- zations. For 37 years the two schools continued separate ministries until 1951 when they merged as the Phila­ delphia Bible Institute. Dr. William A. Mierop was named president in 1957. The present name was selected in 1958 and Dr. Douglas B. Mac- Corkle was installed as president October 18, 1963.

Other features o f the jubilee year will be the publication of an anni­ versary edition of the Scofield Ref­ erence Bible along with a special Bible conference October 25 to 30 (coinciding with Reformation Week) the theme of which will be “ Re­ affirmation of the Faith.” PCB has nearly 5,000 alumni serv­

Students witnessing at Logan Circle in downtown Philadelphia.







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