King's Business - 1964-10

cults critique by Betty Bruechert

AFR ICA 'S MURDER CULT O t h e r c o u n t r ie s b e s i d e s the United States have their cults too! The continent o f Africa, so be­ set by troubles in its effort to gain full independence and self-govern­ ment, not only is burdened by inter­ tribal wars and personal struggles for political power, but also is cursed by cults as well. One of the bloodiest ever instigated by Satan is the Lumpa sect of Northern Rhodesia, which resembles the Mau-Maus in its revival of ancient African pagan­ ism and mysticism and in its dedi­ cation to murder. Their self-styled leader - prophe­ tess, Alice, the 45-year-old wife of a minor politician, who calls herself “ Lenshina” (queen), for eleven years has been leading a group into the wildest fanaticism and bloodshed. She is now said to have 100,000 fol­ lowers. Mounting the tall anthills, she and her “ twelve apostles” incite the people to a frenzy. They even play old, scratched records of Sir Winston Churchill’s World War II speeches, claiming that his is the voice of “ the big black god” who sent Alice on her “ holy war” after she had died and gone to heaven. She teaches her warriors that they are immune to bullets although how she explains their deaths no one knows. For fifty cents she issues passports to heaven to those baptized by her. Recently these Lumpas, armed with spears, arrows and knives, scream­ ing, looting, burning, attacked 25 villages from which 2,000 natives fled for their lives. Prime Minister Kenneth Kaunda, calling this cult “ a national tragedy,” has ordered the government troops to stamp it out. Half-crazed at re­ sistance, the Lumpas raided a police station, stealing rifles and ammuni­ tion and murdered 150, bringing to nearly 500 natives on both sides who have been killed in this conflict. Alice is now in jail where she has promised to co-operate with the gov­ ernment in bringing an end to this unspeakable carnage. Surely as the Psalmist declared, “ The dark places o f the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.” Prayer “without ceasing” should be made for our missionaries and the native Christians who are caught in these bloody riots. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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