King's Business - 1964-10

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rural reflections J UST AS THE RURAL LANDSCAPE be­ gins to exchange its drab win­ ter coat fo r one o f many colors and spring is about to resign her m inor role o f under-study to emerge as a full-fledged star in her own right, farm fam ilies and passers-by are treated to the sight o f baby lambs com ing into bloom in pasturelands all over the countryside. To the very young they appear as if by'magic. Singly, as twins or even more exciting in triplet form. It’s time for frequent trips to the pas­ ture fence to catch a glimpse of these lively innocent creatures drinking their seemingly endless meals with­ out apparent regard for schedule; \gamboling joyfully in the invigor­ ating spring air or simply dozing , nd sunning themselves on a sunny pasture slope. All too soon their cunning playful bloom is gone and they join the sedate parental band whose quiet dignity gives no hint of their one time youth. Long, long ago, the True Shepherd commanded His disciple to “ feed my lambs.” Today the need to feed His lambs is greater than ever and offers a real challenge to all disciples who would do His bidding. For “we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” O ne w inter day “a great commo­ tion out of the North coun­ try” comes upon the land. The wind from the north is bitter and God saith to the snow, “ Be thou on the earth” and overnight the landscape is the recipient of a brand new blanket. A cold spotless blanket that chills yet mercifully covers or cam­ ouflages any unsightly blemish upon the countryside. Inside, the warmth of the freshly stoked wood fire mingles with the gracious warmth of the Unseen One, allowing no hint of the frigid outer air to penetrate. The warmth the Unseen One radiates is quite unlike that of the wood fire. It is steady. It never wanes or diminishes. It is “ from everlasting to everlasting” and He gives of it freely to all who ask. Cold days. Warm fires of home and of the Spirit. —Jean Miettunen

Testimonies Undimmed by Hunger or Pain With the gifts of Christian friends, God has enabled us to minister to the desperate needs of our Hebrew Christian brethren around the world. From behind the Iron Curtain, a Hebrew Christian missionary writes: “ In Hungary and Rumania the poverty of Hebrew Christians is very great. In the past you helped us care for the sick and aged. I know, if at all possible, you will send food and medicines. In their name—I thank you. Though some are arrested, never to be seen again, we continue to preach and testify of the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Will you share in this ministry of mercy? For informative literature about this worldwide testimony, write: C AN AD A 142-K Curxon St., Toronto, Ont. IN U. S. A. P.O. Box 506-K, Clearwater, Fla. Rev. David Bronstein, Secy. International Hebrew Christian Alliance

Dignified Garden Rentals



106 De Luxe one and two bedroom apartment homes conceived as a COM PAN ION C O M M U N IT Y exclusively for senior citixens. All rental (no lease) from $100 to $185 per month. HERE in a dignified atmosphere of lovely gardens and quiet fountains is a totally new concept of retirement living. These spaciousapartment homes were specifically designed to accommodate a more leisurely mode of living . . . to offer gracious residence to those who do not wish to invest but prefer to keep their capital funds working for them. All buildings are single level and apartments are offered unfurnished to permit your own choice of decor. They do offer draperies, all­ electric ranges, wall ovens, refrigerators, air conditioning and forced air heat. You are invited to write or call Mr. Charles Swenson, manager at Redlands Village Green, 1400 Pine Street, Redlands, California, Phone: 792-1805, for full information.

Beautiful Pool Community Center and Lounge

Private Patios Shuttle Board Horseshoes Library

Models about October 15, 1964 — Move in soon thereafter

When writing advertisers— please mention THE KING’S BUSINESS

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