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B U Y I N G N E W H Y M N A L S ?
H e p a u s e d in his writing. The letter was finished. Several per sons entered the room as he was writing the last words. He looked up and smiled. “Want to send a greet ing to the believers at Philippi?” The friends gave an enthusiastic assent. “ I’ll just say that the saints of Caesar’s household send greet ings.” Paul the Apostle was writing a letter to a group of Christians in another city. He completed the let ter with the words: “ All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar’s household.” Who were these saints ? They were servants in the Roman emperor’s household. True believers in Caesar’s household sent greetings to fellow- believers in Philippi. In this great Gentile city, the capital o f the Ro man empire, there were these Chris tians whom Paul called “ saints.” How did they become believers? It was because Paul faithfully told the good news about Christ to those who came to his prison cell. Paul, the prisoner, confined to his cell or room, witnessed to those who came and consequently some believed and received Christ as their personal Saviour. A young woman lying on a hospi tal bed witnessed to the nurses and doctor. They were amazed at her cheerfulness and enthusiasm. One day the doctor asked her about her Christian faith. As a result of her testimony, he too believed and be came a Christian. A professional baseball player, dur ing a game, witnessed to a player on the opposing team. A professional football player told another player about his faith in Christ as they were sitting in the training quar ters “ readying” up for a game. Sev eral days later his friend received Christ as his Saviour To whom do you have an oppor tunity to witness? Yours may seem like an impossible situation but is it more difficult than the prison cell, the hospital bed or the athletic train ing quarters? Ours is to be faithful. We are His witnesses. If we are alert and Spirit- led in our witness, there will be some new saints to send their greetings to other saints in other places.
“ It is Scriptural, singable ; every song holds a definite message. From the moving hymns of confession to the exalted songs of w orship, CROWNING GLORY covers the widest range of Christian experience with songs which have been woven into the spiritual tapestry of Chris tians everywhere.** — Rev. Gerrit Schut, Pastor Berean Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Mich.
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