King's Business - 1964-10


Let's Go to India Missionary Stories tor Boys and Girls By Carol Terry Miss Carol Terry, who recently was married to Dr. Louis T. Talbot, spent over twenty years in India, part of this time working with chil­ dren in the Ramabai Mukti Mission. On her way to India the first time, she was captured and held prisoner for three and a half years by the Japanese. Her suffering during this experience qualified her to enter into the suffering of others. The book is filled with anecdotes, accounts of ex­ citing adventures, miraculous an­ swers to prayers, deliverances, and Christian experiences. It is well-il­ lustrated and very readable. Recom­ mended for church libraries. — 143 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. Focus on Prophecy Edited by Charles L. Feinberg In May, 1963, the American Board of Missions to the Jews convened a Congress on Prophecy at Moody Bi­ ble Institute of Chicago. This book contains the messages delivered on that occasion. The addresses are gathered around three main themes: “ Prophecy as Related to the Jews” ; “ Prophecy as Related to the Gen­ tiles” ; and “ Prophecy as Related to the Church.” The first two contain four addresses and the last six. Speakers included Dr. Chas. L. Fein­ berg, Dr. Charles H. Stevens, Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, Dr. V. Raymond Edman, Dr. John F. Walvoord, Dr. Daniel Fuchs, and others. Dr. Feinberg takes up the cove­ nants in his first address, as being essential to a right understanding of prophetic truth. Dr. Stevens han­ dles Israel’s role in the tribulation and in the millennium. The future of Russia was assigned to Dr. Coder. Dr. Edman deals in two lectures with “ Habakkuk in the Nuclear Age.” The relation of the church to the tribulation is treated at length by Dr. Walvoord. Other subjects are equally timely and interesting. The book takes its place in a growing sequence of Prophetic Conference reports. — 254 pages; cloth; Flem­ ing H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $3.95.

Beacon Bible Commentary The first volume to appear in a projected ten-volume set is volume 6: Matthew, Mark, and Luke, edited by Ralph Earle, A. Elwood Sanner, and Charles L. Childers. The project will involve thirty-three writers in all, and is avowedly a Wesleyan- Arminian work. The Biblical text is not included, to save space, and the Bible is its own best interpreter. Treatment is by paragraphs, rather than verse by verse. It is hoped that the commentary will encourage ex­ pository preaching, and in order to aid in that direction, outlines are in­ cluded from time to time. Doctrin- ally this should be considered the first real full-length successor to Adam Clarke’s commentary first pub­ lished nearly a century and a half ago. — 623 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $5.95 per volume ($4.95 on subscription). The Nature of the Resurrection Body By J. A. Schep The author is aware o f a wide range of literature on an important subject and one that is not easy to expound. The basic reality of the bodily resurrection of Christ and o f every believer is boldly declared and supported. All relevant Biblical ma­ terial is expounded. The resurrection of man in a body of flesh is shown to be taught in the Old Testament as well as in the New. Two appendices deal with “ The Immortality of the Soul” (this is found not to be a good Biblical expression), and “ I be­ lieve . . . in the Resurrection of the Flesh” (which is the form of the old creed in its Greek original). The author is Professor of New Testa­ ment and of Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological College in Australia, and the material in the book seems to have been presented to P o t c h e f s t r o om University in South Africa in order to secure the Th.D. degree. It is a significant con­ tribution to Biblical theology.—252 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $4.95.

In a sweeping view of contemporary American family life, three nationally known counselors give pertinent, prac­ tical help for families, and for their pastors and counselors. $3.75

A man who knows how to speak to teenagers challenges them to develop their abilities to the maximum, to ac­ cept responsibility, and to make their lives count for Christ. Illustrated by Edward J. Smith. $1.25

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GOD M Y SHEPHERD by Martin Luther. 35 pages; paper; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $.35. Meditations on Psalm 23, translated from the German by W. M. Miller.



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