King's Business - 1964-10


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God has promised to supply every need. A. He provides fo r physical needs. B. He provides fo r the needs of the soul. I. Pardon— Through Atonement. A. Sin cuts man off from God. 1. His proper place in God’s plan. 2. Fellowship with God. 3. A good conscience. 4. Heaven itself. (Illustrated in Adam.) B. Pardon does not presuppose an angry God. ( “ God in Christ reconciling us,” etc.) C. Pardon provided in atonement and appropriated through gos­ pel terms restores all things lost through sin. II. Peace— Through Resurrection. A. Restlessness and nervous ten­ sions today result from : 1. Anxiety over m a t e r i a l things. 2. Fear o f death. 3. Conflicting doubts and strug­ gles in soul. B. Christ’s promises o f peace: 1. “ Be not anxious fo r the mor­ row.” 2. “ Let not your heart be trou­ bled.” 3. “ Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” (These promises are a hollow mockery o f the soul’s deepest longings i f not confirmed by the resurrection.) III. Power— Through G ift o f Spirit. A. Weakness o f the church. B. Power needed within the church. 1. In Christian living. 2. In prayer life. 3. In saving souls. C. Power given in the Holy Spirit. 1. F ruit o f Spirit—life. 2. “ Spirit maketh intercession” — prayer. 3. Spirit’s word— soul winning. Conclusion. A ll the soul’s needs are provided in Christ; we must appropriate them. (Illustration from material life: A ir is available to breathe, but we must avail ourselves o f it.)


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