King's Business - 1964-10

B U IL D your church the Scripture Press way!

P e o p le in th e N e w s

Matthew E. Welde, president of the Philadelphia Area Sunday School

Harrisonburg, Virginia, has an­ nounced the appointment of James Fairfield of Preston, Ontario, as staff writer. Mr. Fairfield’s background has given him unique preparation for this new assignment, about which he says, “ The Gospel and writing are old companions. I thank God I can share in this companion­ ship through my work with Mennon­ ite Broadcasts.” Rev. James Kayode Bolarin, African pastor and journalist, has been ap­ pointed Managing Editor of Africa’s

As s o c i a t i o n , has announced a regis­ tration goal of two thousand f o r the 19th Annual Phila- de l ph i a Sunday School Convention to be he ld next month. Among the featured speakers will be the Rev. David Allen, pastor

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of Calvary Baptist Church in Hazel Park, Michigan, outstanding Sunday school leader. Others will include Dr. Henry Brandt, noted Christian psy­ chologist; Dr. Cyrus Nelson, president of Gospel Light Publications; and Dr. Roy Zuck, researcher and youth

l a r g e s t Christian magazine, A F R I ­ C A N C H A L ­ L E N G E , by the Sudan I n t e r i o r Mission. Rev. Bola­ rin joined the staff of the Yoruba edi­ tion of the CHAL­ LENGE in 1955 and became its edi­ tor in 1959 follow­

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Know Christ

Serve Christ


Grow in Christ

On ly S c r ip tu re P ress g ives you co rre la ted B ib le -ba se d , C h r is t - cen te red m a te ria ls fo r all five agencies in vour Total Church Program! Ask fo r FR E E sample packets fo r consideration in yo u r church. SCRIPTURE PRESS SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Wheaton, Illinois See your Christian bookstore or send coupon to , . . SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Wheaton, Illinois 60188 KJX-104 Please send me FREE: □ Brochure with complete information about your TOTAL CHURCH PROGRAM □ Sample packet of Sunday School lessons for ages__________________________________ □ Sample packet of Children's Church programs D Sample packet of Youth Programs □ VBS Brochure □ Camp Brochure

editor of Scripture Press Publications. One of the high­ lights of the pro­ gram will be a panel presentation on t h e to p i c , “ Christian Youth and Higher Educa­ tion.” The annual convention is de- signed to help the

Rev. Bolarin

ing journalism studies in London. He was ordained by the Association of Evangelical Churches of West Africa in 1963. The two CHALLENGE edi­ tions have a combined circulation of 150,000. International Missions, Inc., has an­ nounced that an unbelievable re­ sponse is coming from Muslims in Iran as a result of a special litera­ ture distribution effort and the first Gospel broadcast in the Persian lan­ guage. The co-operative literature distribution program with the “ Send the Light” group of young people has resulted in over 3,000 enrollees in the Bible correspondence courses with a 60% completion rate among those taking the earlier lessons, and an 80% completion rate among those continuing in the later lessons! An­ other 2,000 are enrolled as a result of the radio broadcasts once a week in Persian, which come in by short wave from Trans World Radio trans­ mitters in Monocco. Dr. R. Kenneth Straehan, general di­ rector of the Latin American Mis­ sion, because of illness, has been forced to request a limited health leave for one year, during which time he will devote himself to special writing projects and to a light teach­ ing schedule at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. Dr. Horace L. Fenton, Jr., associate gen­ eral director, will assume Stratchan’s duties as general director for this period.

Sunday school on the local level to achieve maximal effectiveness in reaching and teaching for Christ. Ron Wilson, editor of Youth for Christ magazine, has been appointed as a fulltime missionary journalist to Lima, Peru. Mr. Wilson will train a national editor for the youth mag­ azine, Juventud Para Cristo, which Youth for Christ now publishes from its Lima office. The magazine is geared to youth with an evangelistic emphasis. It is not a translation of the North American Youth for Christ magazine. Articles are writ­ ten especially for the magazine, and eventually it will be a completely in­ digenous publication. Clarence W. Jones of The World Radio Missionary Fellowship, has been appointed Executive Director of the Committee of the Interna­ tional Christian Broadcasters. To meet the fast growing challenge for planned cooperative effort among evangelical broadcasters overseas, the ICB Committee thus fills a long­ standing need for greater structural strength in its service-agency pro­ gram that now touches all contin­ ents. Kenneth J. Weaver, executive secre­ tary of Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc.,



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