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GIFT SUBSCRIPTION How can we ever thank you (or someone) enough for the blessing that comes into our home here in the moun tains of Jamaica, in the form of THE KING’S BUSINESS? We greatly ap preciate its ministry and use material from it almost each week. You see, as missionaries, we get around to various mission churches more often than a pastor would, so we find real use for material you print . . . Being in this two-fold ministry of preaching out here through the local church and, at the same time, reaching out to foreign fields through sending out missionaries from here, we find THE KING’S BUSINESS especially helpful . . . May the Lord richly bless your really valua ble ministry. Thomas E. Northen, Jamaica, West Indies E ditor ’ s N o t e : The above is a sample of the way in which gift subscriptions are provided to missionaries in foreign lands who would not otherwise be able to have such Christian literature. Your desigwited gifts to THE KING’S BUSINESS make it possible for us to send out these subscriptions when funds are available. We have many more requests than we are able to fill, and your prayer interest in this type of investment is much appreciated. A M ISSION A R Y 'S THAN K S Thank you for THE KING’S BUSI NESS. It has not only been a blessing to us but to many of our missionaries in New Guinea as we pass it around from family to family. We served in New Guinea for two years before we had to come to Australia for medical treatment for our boy. . . . In 1954 I was a student at Biola so each month I read with interest the articles—espe cially the Alumni News. Also I enjoy the articles by Betty Bruechert very much. Mis. Marv Sconce, Australia ANSW ERS QUESTION How marvelous is the working of the Holy Spirit. I have been waiting for the proper explanation of the genealo gies of Jesus Christ. It is hard for me to explain to a friend living in Canada who does not believe. THE KING’S BUSINESS has furnished just what I wanted. Many thanks and God bless you. Mrs. Ruth Ramey, Salem, Massachusetts
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