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message from , the editor ^
u r i n g t h e E a s t e r season, 1964, there was sent to the radio mailing list of a rather well-known religious radio program a letter intimating that an authentic photograph of Jesus had been found. O f course the communication does not make a flat state ment to that effect, but the whole purport of the letter points in that direction. And the unwary reader would naturally come to the conclusion that it was a fact and send in his contribution to the particular radio program in order to obtain such a "photo graph.” In our humble judgment, this is about the ultimate in an unholy effort to play upon the gullibility of the Christian public. As might be expected, this comes out of Southern California, un doubtedly the center of more crackpot religious rackets than anywhere else in the world. The letter states, "Recently a deposed king of a large Euro pean nation visited in Los Angeles and announced at a gathering of prominent civic leaders that his family, of the Royal House of Savoy, has in its possession an actual photograph of Jesus Christ.” The radio preacher claims to have made a "scientific study” of the alleged photography. Now he declares, "The months of painstaking research and study have been rewarded; exact copies of the photograph have been obtained. The original negative is not a painting or a fake. It is actually a photograph made by a curious scientific accident many centuries before the chemical laws of photography were discovered.” The letter con tinues, "N o one has seen these photographs without a sense of awe. You can see the actual face, the thorn crown marks, the place of nails in hands and feet, the spear marks in the heart and every whip mark stands out in sharp relief. Scientific proof is piling up that this may actually be a facial and bodily image of Jesus Christ.” Incidentally, the editor as yet has not seen one of these so- called photographs; therefore it leaves one in somewhat of a quandary. How is it possible to "see the actual face” and "the spear marks in the heart” and at the same time see "every whip
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