King's Business - 1964-10

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mark” that evidently must have been inflicted upon the back of our Lord at the time of His trial before Pilate . . . all in one picture? Let it be said that there are many Christian leaders today who are broadcasting by means of radio the message of salvation with great zeal and effectiveness. We thank God for all of the faithful Christian broadcasters who are true to the Word and who pro­ claim its holy message to the salvation of souls and building up of saints in our most holy faith. It is rather tragic, indeed, to realize that along with this great company of men who are true to the Word there are those who use devious means to attract listeners and who then extract from them gifts by questionable means and for questionable purposes. Gifts to maintain these Christian broadcasts are absolutely essential and naturally people will give to the radio program when their own hearts are blessed. But, when a new voice begins to be heard on a new program purporting to give out the Word, it is always wise to investigate before one invests. Perhaps it would be of interest to note that the Bible Institute Hour is among the oldest broadcasts so far as continuous years of Christian broadcasting are concerned. It was started by Dr. Louis T . Talbot, Chancellor of Biola, shortly after he became pastor of the Church of the Open Door in downtown Los An ­ geles in 1932. It has been heard continuously through the years since that time. It has had an ever-widening sphere of influence. An untold number of individuals have been brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through its ministry; many, many thousands more have been spiritually blessed and enriched and encouraged by the messages which have gone out from the Bible Institute Hour. Through the years, hundreds of students have been attracted to the school because of the broadcasts and by means of a number of foreign Christian radio stations. The Biola Hour literally is heard around the world. It is the conviction of Mr. A l Sanders, the master of cere­ monies of the Bible Institute Hour and Vice-President of Public Relations of Biola, and the entire Board of Directors, that we should keep the Gospel message on the air until our Lord Jesus Christ comes in the air. All who give to Biola, unless the gift is specifically designated, share not only in the radio programs but also in the training of hundreds of young people in the Bible Institute, Biola College, Biola School of Missionary Medicine, Talbot Theological Seminary, the Arizona Bible College and the other ministries of Biola. Thus one who gives to Biola has a part in more facets of Christian work than almost any other organiza­ tion with which we are familiar. Please continue to pray for Biola in all of its work, its testi­ mony, its students, its alumni, and its entire outreach. Your prayers and gifts will indeed count not for time alone but for all eternity.


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