Warm humid weather and intense high school sports practices lead to a lot of sweating and risk of heat exhaustion or more serious heat stroke. While hydration may not be at the top of the list for a successful athletic performance, it should be.According to the National Federation ofState High SchoolAssociations, appropriate hydration before, during, and afterphysical activity is an important ingredient to a healthy and successful sports team. Tips to Prevent Dehydration It’s of key importance to hydratewell, both forsafetyand performance. Here are some tips to educate athletes and the coaching staff, aswell as parents to safeguard against heat illnesses: • Athletes cannot simply rely on thirst to maintain hydration. Instead, a schedule for hydration before, during, and after practice or games may be more helpful. • Weighing the athlete before and afterthe practices, since properhydration will show no- or minimal- weight change from practice. • An example hydration schedule fora high school athlete could be: drinking 16 ounces offluid two hours before physical activity, drinking another8-16 ounces 15 minutes before physical activity, and during physical activity, drinking 4-8 ounces every 20 minutes. After physical activity, drinking 16-24 ounces of fluid for every pound lost during physical activity. • Athletes will continue to lose fluid after practice as they continue to cool their core body temperature and urinate. Using urine color as a measure for hydration status can be really helpful. Bold yellowurine to dark yellow or apple juice colored urine signifies dehydration. Athletes should aim to start every practice fully hydrated. Call Iberia Sports & Rehabilitation at 337.367.3331 or visit isrehab.com to schedule your appointment today! MAXIMUM HYDRATION FOR FALL SPORTS
Exercise Essentials
Patient Success Spotlight
“Quality therapy is essential to have as an athletic trainer. Which is why I am lucky to have Iberia Sports and Rehabilitation in my corner. I know that if I need to send an athletetotherapy, Iknowforafactthat Ican trust the staffwith myathlete. Not onlydo my athletes feel great in therapy, but they also come back stronger than when they did before the injury. ISR also gives me and mycoachespeaceofmindknowingthatour athleteswillcomebackstrongerthanever!” -Josh Harrington, LAT/ATC Delcambre High School
Exercise To Relieve Knee Pain Startonall fourswithyourknee angle at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels until you feel a stretch inyourknees.Return to thestartingposition,andrepeat 6-10 times as needed.
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