
Inside Cover C — August 28 - September 10, 2020 — 40 Under 40 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


40 U nder 40 Founder of Prince Georges County Real Estate Development News Marcus N. Daniels of NAI Michaels brokers sale of 925 5th Street NW in Downtown Washington DC


and businessman. I would not be where I am today without Morehouse College. Who do you feel was most influential in your lifewhen choosing this profession? The most influential person in my life that helped me decide to pursue a career in commercial real estate were my grandparents – my two grandmothers Mary Ellen Daniels and Delores Johnson and my grandfather Herbert “Buddy” Johnson who have all been the foundation of our fam- ily for many years. I wanted to work in an industry where I could leave a legacy and cre- ate generational wealth for families and business owners in my community. What outside activities

hat is your great- est professional accomplishment?

do you enjoy during you free time? Outside of my real estate ac- tivities, I served as the Chair- man of the Board of Direc- tors for Community Youth Advance, a youth mentoring organization serving over 600 children in Prince George’s County. I previously served on the Board of Directors of Lau- rel Regional Hospital, formerly of Dimensions Healthcare Sys- tem and now the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS). In addition to serv- ing on the board of CYA, I also am a board member for the United Way of Prince George’s County, Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School and the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washing- ton - Prince George’s County Region. MAREJ

Marcus N. Daniels Broker Years with company/firm: 5 Years Years in field: 10 Years Years in real estate industry: 10 Years Real estate organizations/ affiliations: CCIM Candidate,

My greatest professional ac- complishment was successfully selling 925 5th Street NW in Downtown Washington DC for $7.2 million for the future development of a luxury and upscale hotel with senior vice president Ed Luckett. What is yourmost notable project, deal or transac- tion? My most notable project is being the listing agent for Edelen Farms in Clinton, Maryland which is a 248 acre farm primed for large scale residential development in- cluding up to 300 single family homes and townhomes. The property is currently listed on the market for $16 million and our firm has received tremen - dous interest in the site. How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry? I am currently working with our NAI Global headquarters office in developing a Diver - sity Initiative to support and empower underrepresented groups in the commercial real estate industry including women, African Americans, Native Americans, Asian and Pacific Americans, individuals with development disabilities and other groups who have not traditionally been in large numbers in the industry. Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? The strongest influence in my career has beenmy parents Joycelyn and Nelson Daniels, and the mentorship and guid- ance of the people at NAI Michael specifically our firm’s leaders including our founder Mr. Kenneth H. Michael, our president Gary Michael, senior vice president David Michael, our sales manager Jonathan Reneau and my friend senior vice president Ed Luckett who

Urban Land Institute, NAIOP, National Association of Black Hotel Owners Operators and Developers (NABHOOD), DC Building Industry Association and

Maryland Building Industry trained me in the industry from Day 1. I am greatly ap- preciative of their faith and confidence in me and giving me an opportunity to pursue a career in the commercial real estate industry five years ago. The late great former Prince George’s County Executive Wayne Curry who served as president of NAI Michael be- fore his passing was a huge influence on my decision to pursue a career in commercial real estate brokerage in my hometown of Prince George’s County, Maryland. What impact has social media / networking had on your career? I founded Prince Georges County Real Estate Develop- ment News on Facebook as a platform for the community with up to date news on real estate and economic devel- opment activities in Prince George’s County. Every week I provide updates on recent transactions, emerging trends, economic development initia- tives and community develop- ment programs and the group has now grown to over 12,000 members who mostly live and work in the county. Networking and social me- dia have had a huge impact on my success as I have been able to connect with and build relationships with developers, business owners and non-profit leaders that I ended up rep- resenting in acquisitions and dispositions.

Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current posi- tion and why you choose the field/profession you are in today? After graduating fromMore- house College and attending the University of Michigan as a Horace Rackham Fellow, I moved back to Maryland and served as a Chief of Staff in the Maryland General As- sembly. After leaving the state legislature, I worked in com- munity economic development for Bon Secours Baltimore Health System in Baltimore and briefly worked as an as - sistant vice president of Com- munity Development Banking at Harbor Bank of Maryland. As a native of Prince George’s County, I wanted to use my collective skills and talents to make a difference in my com- munity through commercial real estate brokerage and help shape what the future of our neighborhoods will look like for years to come. What was the most defin - ing moment for you? The most defining moment for me was deciding to go hun- dreds of miles away down to Atlanta, Georgia as a 17 year old freshman at Morehouse College. From the time I ar- rived at Morehouse to the time I left, there were so many expe- riences and lessons that helped me grow into who I am today as a man, community servant

these are a few of my favorite things College: Education: Morehouse College & The University of Michigan Book: The Peebles Principles by R. Donahue Peebles Jr. Movie: The Inside Man by Spike Lee App : CoStar Sports Team: Michigan Wolverines Sport: Basketball Food: Tomahawk Steaks Dessert: New York Cheesecake Restaurant: Joe’s Seafood Hobby: Volunteering Colors: Black & Gold If you could dine with anyone dead

or alive who would you choose? My Grandfather Ulysses Daniels

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