
18A — December 7 - 20, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


P eople on the M ove

On the construction industry Nines of MGKF participates in Bar Association Forum

ABA’s Client Counseling Competition Neil A. Stein, Esq. of Kaplin Stewart serves as judge

Philadelphia, PA — Technical consultant for Manko, Gold, Katcher &

works projects. Nines specifi- cally addressed environmental projects with a focus on solid waste issues. A Pennsylvania-licensed professional engineer, Nines has over 14 years of diverse environmental engineering experience gained through previous employment in the manufacturing sector, envi- ronmental consulting, and with an international chemi- cal manufacturing trade as- sociation. He currently pro- vides technical services to the firm’s attorneys and clients regarding complex manufac- turing processes, multi-media pollution control, and high- performance green building techniques. n tified residential real estate appraiser and general real estate appraiser trainee with Imperial Realty Appraisal, LLC, Whitehal. Sands ob- tained her Pennsylvania Real Estate Salesperson’s license in 1999 and Pennsylvania Resi- dential Real Estate Appraiser certification in 2002. She eagerly anticipates Gen- eral Appraiser Certification in the Spring. She holds a B.A. in English fromMillersville Uni- versity, Millersville, Pa., and is the former owner of Wooden Hill Construction Company, a residential/commercial fram- ing operation. n Reilly is chief executive officer for the Americas for Prologis, a 29-year-old San Francisco- based organization. Prologis is an owner, operator and de- veloper of industrial logistics real estate across theAmericas, Europe and Asia. Prologis’ real estate holdings include $45 bil- lion in total assets under man- agement; 565 million s/f owned, managed or underdevelopment; and an operating portfolio of approximately 3,061 industrial properties. Reilly joined NAIOP in 2000 and has been extensively in- volved in the association. He is a member of the Investment Management II National Fo- rum and has previously served on the Board of Directors of NAIOPMassachusetts and the Corporate Industrial Education Committee. n will prove invaluable as he con- nects with our local chapters and guides the organization’s vision forward into 2013.”


H I - L A - DEL-

Counseling Competition held at the Temple University School of Law. The national competition, for first and second year law students, simulates a law office consultation in which the law students, acting as attorneys, are presented with a hypothetical client

matter for consultation and analysis. Stein, a Temple LawAlum- ni, is a co-founding share- holder and a member of the land use department of Kaplin, Stewart, Meloff, Reiter & Stein , with offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. n fit with our business objectives going forward. Jennifer also has a history of being an effec- tive manager and team player, and knows how to capitalize on people’s strengths to deliver results. Our marketing team will be in great hands under her leadership and I look forward to working with her.” She is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buf- falo; co-chair of theAmbassador Council for Nontraditional Em- ployment for Women; a member of the board of trustees for Bev- erly Willis Architecture Foun- dation; and active in Women in Real Estate , W XNewYork Women Executives in Real Estate and the Association of Real Estate Women . n AAGP is an Affiliate of the National Apartment Associa- tion based in Arlington, VA. NAA is America’s leading ad- vocate for quality and rental housing. It is a federation rep- resenting nearly 177 state and local affiliated associations with approximately 58,000 members responsible for more than 6.2 million apartment homes nationwide. n Prior to joining Dermody Properties, he was Principal at NorthPointe, NA, where he worked with a variety of national real estate firms on account development and other aspects of advisement in industrial real estate. Arnold also servedmore than 16 years at ProLogis, most recently as senior vice president of global customer solutions. n continue to grow and build new partnerships across the nation.”

Fo x , LLP ( M G K F ) , M i c h a e l Nines, P.E., LEED AP , participated in a recent program for the American Bar Associa-

PHIA, PA — Neil An- drew Stein, E s q u i r e , s e r v e d a s a judge for the Ameri- can Bar Association’s Client Neil Stein

Michael Nines

tion Forum on the Construc- tion Industry, “Infrastructure: Civil Works Projects for Law- yers”. The panel provided con- struction lawyers and industry participants with a fundamen- tal understanding of the key engineering and construction issues that govern major civil Allentown, PA — Di- etrick Group, LLC has hired Karen Sands as the newest member o f its apprais- a l d e pa r t - ment. Sands will provide v a l u a t i o n servi ces o f income-pro- ducing and investment proper t i es , including residential land development. Prior to joining Dietrick Group, she gained extensive appraisal experience as a cer- Karen Sands Herndon, VA — NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association , has named Eugene Reilly as its 2013 chairman of the board. Reilly will serve as chairman for the leading organization for developers, owners and related professionals in office, industrial, retail and mixed-use real estate. Reilly accepted the leader- ship gavel from 2012 chairman William Hunt , president and CEO of Pittsburgh-based The Elmhurst Group , during NAIOP’s Development ’12: The Annual Meeting for Commer- cial Real Estate, held recently in Washington, D.C. “NAIOP is privileged to have Gene leading the association next year as corporate chair- man,” said Thomas J. Bisac- quino , NAIOP president and CEO. “His wealth of leadership experience in the commercial real estate industry, our asso- ciation and his local community

Philadelphia, PA — Dermody Properties has hired Gregory Arnold , Dermody Props. welcomes Arnold as partner national customer relation- ship initiative, expanding on Dermody Properties’ strong foundation of excellent cus- tomer service.

as their new- est partner. Arnold, a 26- year indus- trial real es- tate veteran, will be sta- tioned in the c omp a n y ’ s eastern re-

Companies. In her new position with Skanska, Murphy will be re- sponsible for driving Skanska USACivil’s national marketing strategy. She will work closely with the business development team to identify new clients in burgeoning market segments, such as power, as well as nur- ture existing client relation- ships. “We’re very excited to wel- come Jennifer to our growing team,” said Rich Aquino , vice president for Skanska USA Civil. “With a successful background in construction and engineering, she understands how to build strong client re- lationships as well as identify new areas and markets that “I’m proud to join such a customer-centric company as Dermody Properties,” Arnold said. “They have continued to grow and succeed during these difficult economic times due in no small part to their commitment to their custom- ers. I am happy to help them

Dietrick Group, LLC adds Sands

Gregory Arnold

gional office in Philadelphia. Arnoldwill lead the company’s

Skanska USA hires Murphy as national marketing director of the civil business unit

Queens, NY — Skanska USA has hired Jennifer Mur- phy as national marketing

director for its civil busi- ness unit. She will be based in Skanska’s Ci v i l o f f i ce headquarters in Queens. M u r p h y brings more

NAIOP installs 2013 chairman Reilly

than 20 years of experience in the design and construction in- dustry to Skanska having held senior level marketing, busi- ness development and project management roles at compa- nies including BBGM/Interiors, Inc., CHS Planning & Design Corp. and Nichter Construction Jennifer Murphy

Philadelphia, PA — Pamela M. Bennett, CAE, CAM executive director of the AAGP elects Bennett as executive’s council 2013 president pacity she will represent her fellow affiliate executives on the board of directors of NAA as well as co-chair the 2013 NAA Education Conference in San Diego where over 5,000 industry professionals will gather next June. AAGP is one of the ten largest apartment associations in the country.

Apartment Association of Greater Ph i l a d e l - p h i a h a s been elected 2013 presi- dent of the Association execut i ve ’s

The Apartment Association of Greater Philadelphia rep- resents 500 members in the multi-family housing indus- try. Members own or manage 122,000 rental units in the Philadelphia five-county area.

Pamela Bennett

council of the National Apart- ment Association. In this ca-

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