Elevate December 2023 | Air Serbia

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DokZima / DokZima

Film / Movie

Neprozirnost prozirnog The Opacity of the Transparent Muzej / Museum

Smotra dokumentarnog filma „DokZi- ma“ održava se od 6. do 28. decem- bra u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. U pi- tanju je novi projekat mladih filmskih autora koji prikazuje četiri autorska, ve- oma uzbudljiva dokumentarna ostva- renja – „Fla aro i“ Nemanje Vojinovi a, „Prizvan i pozvan“ Luke Papi a i Srđana Vuča, „Sre na Nova, Jivu“ u režiji Mla- dena Kovačevi a i „Telenovela: Sivo u koloru“ Filipa Martinovi a. Film „Sre na Nova, Jivu“ intimna je pri- ča o svakodnevici kineskih radnika. Vo- di nas u Jivu, grad sa 600 fabrika no- vogodi njih ukrasa u kojima se Boži i Nova godina „proizvode“ za čitav svet. Autora Mladena Kovačevi a pitamo ta ga je privuklo toj neobičnoj temi... – Ideja ovog filma bila je da ponudi to direktniji doživljaj jednog malog dela obične savremene Kine, gde bi se pu- blika ose ala kao da je posetila nekog bliskog u fabrikama Jivua. Nijednog trenutka nisam razmi ljao da pravim film o Kini koji e informisati i ponudi- ti obja njenja. Sentimentalnost koja je neodvojiva od Boži a i Nove godine pomaže nam da fabrike Jivua vidimo ne samo kao mesta gde se ne to pro- izvodi ve i kao intimne prostore. Kako ste stekli poverenje aktera filma? – Zadobijanje poverenja aktera je kompleksna tema, ali najbitnija je iskrenost. Su tinska autorska iskre- nost: ta je to to vas zaista interesu- je. Mene interesuju teme koje su bit- ne likovima koje snimam, nemam nikakvu drugu agendu. Tako da se, bez obzira na rediteljske intervenci- je kojima se u dokumentarnom fil- mu usmerava narativ, likovi ose a- ju udobno.

Svedočite čarobnom glasu i prisustvu Marije Kalas tokom njenog debija u Parizu, dok izvodi selekciju arija iz ikoničnih opera. Ovaj istorijski trenutak, smatran „događajem veka“, preno- sio se uživo irom Evrope. Po prvi put, ovaj na- stup može da se vidi u celini i u boji u bioskopi- ma. Premijera je zakazana za 2. decembar. Witness the magical voice and presence of Maria Callas during her Paris debut as she per- forms a selection of arias from iconic operas. This historic moment, considered the "event of the century", was broadcast live across Eu- rope. For the first time, this performance can be seen in its entirety and in color in cinemas on 2 nd December. Kalas: Pariz, 1958. / Callas: Paris, 1958

„Srećna Nova, Jivu“ Merry Christmas, Yiwu

U Muzeju savremene umetnosti u Beogradu otvorena je izložba „Neprozirnost prozirnog – Gordana Kaljalo- vi Odanovi “ u okviru ciklusa „UMETNOST I LIČNOST – skulptorke iz kolekcije MSUB“ autora dr Rajke Bo - kovi . Ova izložba predstavlja raznovrstan umetnič- ki opus jedne od vajarki čija je umetnost obeležila po- slednje decenije 20. i prve decenije 21. veka kod nas, a otvorena je do 5. februara 2024. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade is host- ing the Gordana Kaljalović Odanović exhibition The Opacity of the Transparent, which opened as part of the series “ART AND PERSONALITY - Sculptors from the MSUB Collection”, authored by Rajka Bošković. Pre- senting the diverse body of work of one of the sculptors whose art marked the final decades of the 20 th century and the first decades of the 21 st century in our country. It remains open at MSUB until 5 th February 2024.

places where something is produced, but as intimate spaces.” How did you gain the trust of the people featured in the film? “Earning the trust of actors is a complex topic, but honesty is the most important thing. Essential authorial honesty – what is it that really interests you. I’m interest- ed in topics that are important to the char- acters that I shoot – I have no other agen- da. As such, regardless of the directorial interventions that direct the documen- tary’s narrative, the characters feel com- fortable.”

The review of documentary film known as DokZima [DocWinter] is taking place from 6 th to 28 th December in Belgrade and No- vi Sad. This new project of young filmmak- ers presents four very exciting auteur doc- umentaries - The Bottlers by Nemanja Vojinović, Invoked by Luka Papić and Srđa Vučo, Merry Christmas, Yiwu, directed by Mladen Kovačević and Telenovela: Grey- scale in Color by Filip Martinović. The film Merry Christmas, Yiwu is an inti- mate story about the daily life of Chinese workers. He takes us to Jiwa, a city with 600 factories producing festive decora- tions, where Christmas and New Year are “produced” for the entire world. We asked author Mladen Kovačević what attracted him to this pretty unusual topic... “The idea behind this film was to offer the most direct possible experience of a small part of everyday modern China, where the audience would feel as though they’ve visited someone close to them in the fac- tories of Yiwu. I never thought for a mo- ment that I was making a film about China that would inform and offer explanations. The sentimentality that is an inseparable aspect of Christmas and New Year helps us to see the factories of Yiwu not only as

Da li ste nakon svega prome- nili odnos prema Novim godi- nama?

After everything you’ve seen, has your attitude towards the festive season changed?

– Naravno, i to ne samo zato to me ukrasi podse aju na konkretne ljude koji ih prave. Tu je i dalje ose anje me- lanholije, nostalgije, koje je prisutno kod svih koje sam tamo upoznao. Ve- ina likova dolazi iz dalekih delova Ki- ne i svima nedostaje rodno mesto, ali ako bi se vratili ku i, onda bi im nedo- stajali prijatelji ili ljubavnici iz fabrika. Njihova melanholija je odredila ton fil- ma, i moj odnos prema novogodi - njim praznicima.

“Of course, and not only because the dec- orations remind me of the actual people who make them. There is still a feeling of melancholy, nostalgia, which is present among everyone I met there. The majori- ty of the characters hail from distant parts of rural China and they all miss their home- towns, but they would miss their factory friends or lovers if they returned home. It was their melancholy that determined the tone of the film, and my attitude towards the holidays.”

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