slavlje / Celebration
ako ste ostali u pidžami Filmovi
the holiday While it’s technically more of a Christmas holiday movie, this delightful rom-com ends with a New Year’s Eve date. The sto- ry revolves around what happens when two women (Cameron Di- az and Kate Winslet) who are un- happy with their situations decide to switch homes. And then they both fall in love... New Year’s Eve is a grand celebration filled with countdowns , lucky foods and tons of sparkling wine. When you’re not heading into the city dressed in festive attire to dance the night away at a New Year’s Eve party, everyone has their own way of celebrating New Year’s traditions, though, of course, one of the favourite ways to spend the evening is to get cozy on your couch in your pyjamas and watch the ball drop on Times Square and fireworks light up capitals around the world. Novogodišnja noc je velika proslava ispunje- na odbrojavanjem, ukusnom hranom i penušavim vinom. Od izla- ska u grad u najboljoj odeci, preko plesa na novogodišnjoj zabavi, sva- ko ima svoj način, a jedan je svaka- ko da ovu noć provedete udobno u pidžami i gledate kako kugla pada na Tajms skveru – sa vlastitog kauča. Jer ako vam nije do gužve i ludnice u saobracaju (potpuno vas razumemo), ostanak kod ku- ce je pravi izbor. Napravite spe- cijalnu novogodišnju večeru i pu- stite neke od najboljih filmova za ovu posebnu noc...
Besani u Sijetlu Kada su u pitanju romantični filmovi za Novu godinu, nema bolje opcije od ovog sa Tomom Henksom i Meg Rajan u glavnim uloga- ma. Jo jedan emocijama nabijeni dragulj Nore Efron ć e vas do- vesti do suza, pa držite maramice pri ruci kada pritisnete „plej“. Naročito jer Tom Henks, koji igra udovca po imenu Sem Boldvin, zami lja da pije pivo u novogodi njoj noć i sa svojom pokojnom suprugom. „Nazdravimo za nas“, kaže Henks... Sleepless In Seattle When it comes to romantic films to watch on the last night of the year, there’s none better than this emotional tear-jerker starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Another Nora Ephron emotion-stirrer will result in tears, so keep the tissues handy when you hit play. Es- pecially as Tom Hanks, who plays a grieving widow named Sam Baldwin, imagines sharing a beer on New Year’s Eve with his late wife. “Here’s to us,” he says...
Četiri sobe Sve se de ava u hotelu u novogodi njoj noć i, a svaka soba je dom sopstvenog mini-filma-u-filmu drugog reditelja. Filmski stvaraoci su, između ostalih, Kventin Tarantino i Robert Rodrigez, a radnja se odvija u novogodi njoj noć i u izmi ljenom hotelu „Mon Signor“ u Los Anđe- lesu. Tim Rot je Ted, glavni lik u okvirnoj priči, čija se prva noć na poslu sastoji od četiri veoma različita susreta sa raznim gostima hotela... Four rooms This film is set in a hotel on New Year’s Eve, and the bellhop finds that each room he enters is home to its own mini-movie-within-a-movie by a different director. The filmmakers include Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, and the story is set in the fictional Hotel Mon Signor in Los An- geles on New Year’s Eve. Tim Roth plays the bellhop and main character in the meta story, Ted, who’s having the strangest first night on the job, consisting of four very different encounters with various hotel guests...
Kako se godina bliži kraju, vreme je da se pripremite za 2024. Bilo da se radi o donošenju zdravih novogodišnjih odluka i ciljeva ili razmišljanju o svim blagoslovima iz prethodne godine, postoji mnogo načina da obeležite novo poglavlje / As the year comes to an end, it’s time to get ready to welcome 2024! Whether it’s about making healthy New Year’s resolutions and goals or reflecting on all the memories and blessings of the waning year, there are so many ways to celebrate a new chapter if you stayed in your pyjamas Movies
Amerikanac u Parizu Tu su novogodi nje žurke, a onda je tu veličanstveni kostimirani cr- no-beli bal na kraju ovog filma. Ali možda najvažnije, bić ete poča- eni neverovatnom koreografijom Džina Kelija (koja je u to vreme dobila specijalnog „Oskara“, pored pet drugih „Oskara“ koje je film osvojio). Inače, Keli igra Amerikanca rastrzanog između dve žene: bogate Amerikanke i francuske plesačice... An American in Paris There are New Year’s Eve parties, and then there’s the magnificent, costumed, black-and-white ball at the end of this movie. Prior to that event, you get to be treated to Gene Kelly’s incredible choreography (which won a special Oscar at the time, in addition to five other Acad- emy Awards). Kelly plays an American torn between two women: a wealthy American and a French dancer...
Afera za pamcenje Nakon to ste odgledali „Besane u Sijetlu“, vratite se jo dalje u istoriju i pogledajte film koji ga je inspirisao. U ovoj romansi se De- bora Ker i Keri Grant ljube u novogodi njoj noć i, iako su vereni za druge ljude. Ipak, oni prave sudbonosni dogovor – da se sretnu na vrhu Empajer stejt bildinga est meseci kasnije... An Affair to Remember Once you’ve watched Sleepless in Seattle, reach back and watch the film that inspired it. This romance opens with Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant sharing a kiss on New Year’s Eve, but as they are both engaged to other people, they fatefully agree to meet at the top of the Empire State Building six months later...
Odmor Iako je tehnički vi e film o boži- ć nim praznicima, ovaj divni rom- kom zavr ava se u novogodi - njoj noć i. Zasnovan je na zamisli o tome ta se de ava kada dve žene (Kameron Dijaz i Kejt Vin- slet), nezadovoljne svojim lju- bavnim životima, odluče da za- mene domove. A onda e se obe zaljubiti...
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