Rebound Fitness & Rehab. Understanding Herniated Discs

Back pain can develop for all sorts of reasons. From a car accident to bad posture, to an uncomfortable seat for a prolonged period of time, back pain can come out of nowhere and cause no small amount of discomfort once it arrives.

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION

Understanding Herniated Discs


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The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION

Understanding Herniated Discs

Back pain can develop for all sorts of reasons. From a car accident to bad posture, to an uncomfortable seat for a prolonged period of time, back pain can come out of nowhere and cause no small amount of discomfort once it arrives. Therearesomeback injuries,however, thatareevenmorepainful thanyour run- of-the-millbackpain.Aherniateddisc isoneof themostpainfulback injuries that you can experience, and it is far more common than you may be initially aware. WHAT IS A HERNIATED DISC? Your spine is made up of a series of interlocking bones with small cushions in-between each joint socket. The structure of your spine is what allows you to move freely from side to side. Every time you crunch your abdomen by bending forward, or lean to one side or another for a deep stretch, those little vertebral bodies move with you, keeping you comfortable and your back strong. Without cushioning in between each of those sockets, the bones would rub against one another with every movement, and this would be incredibly painful. When a disc becomes herniated, the cushioning in between the vertebrae will rupture,essentiallydeflating thecushioning inbetween thevertebraeandcausing the bones to begin to rub against one another.This is painful enough as it is, but can become even more painful if the herniated disc actually begins to press on the adjacent spinal nerves, causing the pain to spread even further up the spine.

The most common placement for a herniated disc is at the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. While it is not the only reason that pain can become severe in the lower back, it is definitely one of the most severe forms of back pain. If you suspect that you may have experienced a herniated disc it is important that you seek medical attention, such as from your physical therapist. A herniated disc will not heal on its own, and working with a physical therapist is one of the best ways to experience relief from the pain associated with this common concern. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? Thevertebrae in thespinearestackedclosely together,withonlyasmallamount of space for the discs in between each bone. A disc can become herniated as a result of injury, car accident, or even simply from overuse. One of the most common causes of a herniated disc is heavy lifting. Weight lifters have to be especially wary not to suddenly lift something too heavy, otherwise risk experiencing a slipped disc. But experienced gym-goers are not the only ones at risk. Every time you attempt to move a piece of furniture, a heavy box, or even a big bag of books you need to be wary to lift correctly, otherwise face the risk of potentially herniating a disc in your back.


Pain associated with a herniated disc often develops in the sciatica nerve, and doesn’t subside with simple rest and relaxation. While hot and cold therapy will help alleviate the pain associated with many different back issues, it won’t make the pain of a herniated disc go away.The pain is often frequentlyassociatedwithnumbness,weakness,and tingling in the legs. In many situations, the pain will feel more severe after initial movement, such as standing up or laying down. Many people mistakenly refer to having a herniated disc as having “pinched a nerve,” but that is not the case. Physical therapy is a great resource for attempting to overcome the pain associated with a herniated disc. A combination of passive and active techniques is typically employed, including deep tissue massage, electrical stimulation, and hydrotherapy, as well as deep stretching and strength building. If you suspect that you may have a herniated disc, contact a physical therapist right away. Attempting to engage in therapy at home could lead to further injury. It is best to have an experienced therapist assess your injury before attempting any treatment options. If you are suffering from a herniated disc, don't wait to get pain relief! Get started with your recovery by calling (847) 714-7400 and scheduling a consultation with Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today!

Exercise of the Month Try this movement to relieve back pain.

Seasonal Recipe: Cocount Caramel Popcorn

Ingredients • 1/3 cup French vanilla coconut creamer • 1/2 cup unpopped kernels • 1/2 cup vegan butter • 3 Tbsp agave nectar, amber • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon • 1/4 tsp salt • 1/4 cup dried coconut flakes, unsweetened, toasted • 1 tsp vanilla

Directions Pop favorite popcorn from yellow corn kernels over stove top or use favorite microwave popcorn brand. Spread on baking sheet and set aside. In a saucepan, melt vegan spread andstir in theagave,brownsugar,cinnamon,andsaltuntildissolved.Take thepanoff the heatandslowlywhisk in thecreameruntilwellcombined.Return toheat,andcontinue to whisk for 10 minutes or until sauce reaches an amber color and thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Stir in coconut flakes and vanilla. Let cool slightly before drizzling overpopcorn.Drizzlemixtureoverpopcornandblend inwithaspatula.Serve immediately.

Supported Bridge Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by your fingertips. Inhale and lift the hips, place a block under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times.

*This recipe is shared courtesy of So Delicious Dairy Free.


"My plantar fasciitis and pain are entirely gone!" "I began working with Rebound Fitness nearly 2 years ago when I thought I was having issues with plantar fasciitis. I’m a competitive tennis player, and the pain was affecting my movement on the court, as well as everyday life. After Rebound Fitness did an assessment of how I moved, it was determined that I needed strengthening in my hips and stretching to lengthen my muscles that were ultimately tugging on my tendon under my heel. Once I began the work with them to stretch and strengthen, my plantar fasciitis and pain were entirely gone. I was back to moving on the court the way I needed to, and I was stronger and faster. My biggest appreciation is that when I first came to Rebound Fitness, they took into consideration the whole picture and not just my immediate pain.” - Mindy Warren

Call Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today at 847.714.7400 to see how physical therapy can get you moving again!

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