International 2023. Nowa Szkoła

CERTIFICATES & STANDARDS To make sure that our products meet all the safety standards we cooperate with a reputable company like the Technical Supervision Institute (Instytut Nadzoru Technicznego Sp. z o.o. (INT)), which is an accredited provider of testing and certification services for industries active in the areas of sports, furniture, education, and architecture. Credibility, impartiality, and reliability of the Institute is ensured by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. All certificates issued by the Technical Supervision Institute are recognized throughout the European Union in accordance with EU Regulation No. 765/2008. Additionally, the accreditation no. AC 171 for product

certification body allows the Technical Supervision Institute to provide certifications for sports equipment, furniture and equipment for playgrounds and games. The company also offers services in product certification, technical inspection, and acceptance. The focus on high- quality and professionalism allows the company to build lasting connections with leading producers, distributors, and importers from various industries. The authenticity as well as the validity of certificates can be confirmed in a special search engine: www.

The fact that nowa szkoła has been certified by the Technical Supervision Institute guarantees safety and ensure that all our products meet the required norms and quality standards.

The international ISO 9001:2015 norm defines the requirements for the quality management system.

nowa szkoła has met these requirements ISO 9001:2015


in order to conduct business in the fields of design, production, storage and sale of furniture as well as equipment for educational facilities, and on 9th July 2021 has obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate. The certified departments include design, production, storage, and sale. This certificate allows nowa szkoła to consistently deliver products and services conforming to its clients needs, and collaborate with Polish and international companies or institutions, while at the same time meeting all legal and regulatory requirements.

Zaświadczamy i uznajemy, że System Zarządzania Jakością w organizacji

Nowa Szkoła Sp. z o.o. Polskiej Organizacji Wojskowej 25 90-248 Łódź Polska

wraz z oddziałami: ul. Srebrzyńska 5/7, 95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki ul. Jędrzejowska 47, 93-636 Łódź

został zweryfikowany i stwierdzono, iż spełnia wymagania normy

ISO 9001:2015

do prowadzenia działalności w zakresie

Projektowanie, produkcja, magazynowanie i sprzedaż mebli oraz wyposażenia dla szkół, przedszkoli i żłobków.

Niniejszy certyfikat został wydany pod numerem 487900 i jest ważny od 9 lipca 2021 do 8 lipca 2024.

Zatwierdzony przez

Wydrukowany przez

kod weryfikacyjny C21042D3-810 Sprawdź ważność certyfikatu używając kodu na


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