International 2023. Nowa Szkoła


in wooden boxes

Botanics MX2925 • a set of 25 slides, e.g.: corn, moss, lily, fern, cotton, silverberry, mullberry, pumpkin (stem)

Miscoscopes slides RV2016

Set of 55 microscopes slides with: • epithelial, connective, nervous and muscular tissue - quantity: 5 pcs • epithelium of human skin - quantity: 5 pcs • bacterial cells (cocci, bacilli, spirilla) - quantity: 5 pcs • mitosis in cells of onion rootlets - quantity: 5 pcs • plant and animal cells; quantity - 5 pcs • human blood and blood frog - quantity: 5 pcs • Spirogyra; quantity - 5 pcs • longitudinal section of the stem of corn • quantity - 5 pcs • structure of the root - quantity: 5 pcs • hydra - quantity: 5 pcs • ciliate-shoes - quantity: 5 pcs • age: 7+

Zoology MX1925

• a set of 25 slides, e.g.: hydra, ascaris lumbricoides, paramecium caudatum, fruit fly, silkworm, ant, dragonfly (wing), shrimp (antena)

Human anatomy MX0009 • a set of 25 slides, e.g.: squamous epithelium, dense connective tissue, cardiac muscle, motor neuron



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