International 2023. Nowa Szkoła

SETS BIOLOGICAL AIDS 3 lesson scenarios


Lesson Plan 2. Insects

7. The next task is to identify the insects, referring to the scheme, among the specimens from the Science suitcase, Kingdom of Animals and to place them in the right order. 8. The students take notes in their notebooks: characteristics of insects divided into the correct orders: coleoptera, orthoptera, blattodea, hymenoptera, hemiptera, homoptera , mantodea, lepidoptera, odonata and phasmatodea. 9. Every student chooses an insect, which he/she likes the most, and tries to draw it in the notebook. The teacher helps to name the body parts correctly. 10. Afterwards, the teacher asks the following question: How to tell apart insects from arachnids? The students try to answer the question with the help of all available sources of information. Later, they present their answers in front of the class. The teacher corrects any mistakes. 11. The students are divided into 3 groups. 12. Each group has to think about what endangers the life of insects. The students have a discussion and later, they make a poster presenting the results. Expected answers: grass burning, capturing and killing, plant protection products, etc. 13. The next task is to find among worksheets presenting specimens from the Animal Kingdom, those showing the insects. It will allow to check the students’ level of understanding of this topic. 14. Later, all students create a model of the meadow with insects. In order to do it, they can use different art supplies. Their work is exhibited in school corridors. 15. In the next step, the teacher draws on the blackboard two tables with two columns: positive and negative role of the insects. The students are divided into two groups. The first group writes down positive and negative influence of insects in nature and the other, in human life.

16. Meanwhile, the teacher draws the life cycle of insects on the blackboard. When the students are finished, they present their results and the teacher discusses the insect life cycle. The difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis is explained in detail. 17. Then, the students look for the information concerning the reproduction of insects in all available sources and present their results in the form of a poster. The teacher corrects any mistakes and leads to the right answers. 18. Finally, the teacher discusses different types of arthropod legs and mouthparts as well as the connection between insects’ nutrition or life style and the type of their body parts.

Types of arthropod legs: running jumping clasping swimming digging grasping pollen-carrying Types of mouthparts: siphoning piercing-sucking chewing chewing-lapping sponging

10 NS 6114


Pstrąg tęczowy (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

24 worksheets

Animalia Kingdom. The suitcase with specimens, worksheets and lesson scenarios NS6114

allow the students to observe them from every angle. Each animal was put in a separate block in order to facilitate careful observation and analysis of their most important features. Worksheets for students and lesson plans for the teacher complement the set. • 20 specimens in a suitcase with dim.: 45,5 x 6 x 33 cm • 3 lesson scenarios, 24 bilateral worksheets,dim.: 11,5 x 11,5 cm • material: plastic; age: 6+

The Science Suitcase with a rich collection of specimens of different species of the animal kingdom. Certain specimens of vertebrates and invertebrates were embedded in transparent acrylic blocks which

6 lesson scenarios

24 worksheets

12 NS 6112

Cheilantes wełnisty (Cheilanthes lanosa) Hairy lipfern (Cheilanthes lanosa)

By ghislain118 (AD) - Praca własna, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Kingdom of Plantae, Fungi and Algae. The suitcase with teaching aids, worksheets and lesson scenarios NS6112

glass, it is possible to see the smallest details. The suitcase contains 9 blocks presenting 32 specimens of algae, fungi, bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms, and the life cycle of moss and ferns. The set is also equipped with substantive materials for the teacher and students. • dim. of the suitcase: 45,5 x 6 x 33 cm • 6 lesson scenarios, 24 bilateral worksheets, dim.: 11,5 x 11,5 cm • material: plastic; age: 6+

The Science Suitcase with teaching aids such as different species of plants, fungi and protists embedded in transparent acrylic. These natural specimens can be observed from every angle. Additionally, with the use of magnifying


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