International 2023. Nowa Szkoła

Microcontroller with sensors and accessories. Atmega2560 - the most complete Arduino starter kit

• 1x joystick module • 1x keyboard module • 1x 5V relay • 1x IR receiver module • 1x MEGA2560 controller board

VR0001 Set includes: • 25x LED, (white, yellow, blue, red and green) • 1x RGB led • 10x ceramic capacitor (22 pf & 104 pf) • 2x photoresistors • 1x thermistor • 5x rectifier diode (1N4007) • 4x Electrolytic capacitor (10UF 50V & 100UF 50V) • 10x NPN transistor (PN2222 & S8050)

• 1 x prototype shield board • 1x Servo motor (SG90) • 1x stepper motor • 1x stepper motor driver board ULN2003 • 1x prototype extension board • 1x power module (warning: do not use voltage higher than 9V), 1x HC-SR501 pir motion sensor • 1x ultrasonic sensor • 1x GY-521 module (with pin header) • 1x 3V servo motor • 1x MAX7219 module, remote control pilot (battery not included) • 1x 9V power supply • 1x jumper wire pack (65 wires) • 1x water level sensor • 1x USB cable • 1x RC522 RFID module, 120x 10R/100R/220R/330R/1K/2 K/5K1/10K/100K/1M resistors • 20x female-male Dupont jumper cord

• 1x tilt switch, 5x button (small) • 1x 1 digit seven-segment display • 1x 4 digit seven-segment display

• 1x sound sensor module, LCD1602 module (with pin header) • 1x L293D integrated circuit, 74HC595 integrated circuit

• 1x active buzzer • 1x passive buzzer • 1x RTC module • 1x DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor • 2x potentiometer • 1x rotary encoder module


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