Er Srbija info
Air Serbia info
London London
There are so many fabulous (and free) museums and galleries in London, so what could be better than exploring one or more on a wintry day?
Postoji toliko fantastičnih (i besplatnih) muzeja i galerija u Londonu, pa šta bi moglo biti bolje od odlaska u jedan ili više njih po hladnom ili kišnom danu?
Hladno vreme, tople uspomene
London je neodoljiv tokom cele godine, pa zašto ga ne biste po- setili zimi, kada su cene smešta- ja generalno jeftinije, a turističke gužve manje. Uprkos kracim da- nima, londonski muzeji, pozori- šta i pabovi uvek nude toplu i pri- jatnu dobrodošlicu. Čuvena mesta organizuju po- sebne događaje i izložbe, pa mo- žete da uživate u Londonskom Tornju, Kju gardensu, Zoološ- kom vrtu, da obiđete studio u ko me je sniman Hari Poter. Veličan- stveni, crvenim somotom ukra- šen Rojal Albert Hol nudi širok spektar sezonskih programa. A sve je to tek kap u moru onoga što ova prelepa, uzbudljiva me- tropola može da vam ponudi.
Cold weather, warm memories
London dazzles year-round, so consider visiting during winter, when hotel rates are generally low- er and crowds of tourists are at a minimum. Despite the season's shorter days, London's muse- ums, theatres and pubs always of- fer a warm, cosy welcome. Many popular tourist spots host special events and exhibits, such as the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, the London Zoo and the Harry Pot- ter Studio Tour. The grand, red-vel- vet-draped Royal Albert Hall puts on a wide range of seasonal pro- grammes. And this is all just a drop in the ocean of everything that this beautiful, exiting metropolis has to offer.
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